
Monday, April 13, 2020

Mischief Monday - Hat Tax

We hope you all had a great Easter weekend. Lady and Man had a lot of fun. They held a pub night Friday night, where they ate wings and nachos and played trivia on the iPad while they ate. They did a Muppet Movie marathon. They cooked a big chicken dinner, followed by apple crisp. We did a fun egg hunt (not pictured here . . . you would think she would be more on it but whatevs . . .) and got extra treats.

All the fun did not save us from our Easter Hat Tax. (For those who may not remember, the Lady says because we are freeloaders here, we don't contribute to the household, several times a year we have to pay the hat tax. We tried to point out to her that she is currently unemployed, but she said she is getting social assistance and does housework, so she is contributing).

Here are Lady's favourite individual shots of us. She said we need to work on our enthusiasm! 

We hope you all had a great Easter, even if you also had to pay the hat tax! 


  1. your lack of enthusiasm for the hat tax gave me two laugh our loud moments. I think Phod is the winner of the least enthusiasm. ha ha sounds like a fun Easter for all of you

  2. Hari OM
    Hmmmm - I am torn. I understand Lady's logic... yet I feel you contribute with your stress-relieving presence, through entertainment and ensuring exercise... a debate that may continue! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. that is a funny tax... and we would probably eat that hats LOL

  4. BOL. Our peeps sure have a weird sense of humor. We should make dem where our doggie dishes.

  5. No hat tax for me, but you should see some of thing things I have had to do as part of my ISO-lympics training....
    Toodle pip!

  6. We're lucky that we don't have a "Hat Tax" here. You two don't look very happy wearing that head gear.

  7. I hate Easter! Momma and I reached an agreement that I'd pose for all howliday photos wearing anything she wanted, EXCEPT hats. But Easter is the one eggception, because Momma says there's no substitute for bunny ears. SIIIIIIIIIIIGH!

  8. Thank goodness the Easter headgear is back in the closet for another year! I'm not fond of them either.

  9. I see where Lady is coming from. You seem more annoyed and terrified than enthusiastic. Sounds like a fun weekend in spite of all that.

    Love and licks,

  10. Oh no...and here I was hoping the IRS would take a break this year given the pandemic and all.

  11. Enthusiasm...ummmm it is what it is and it is taxing for sure

  12. We think you did a great job. As long as they stayed long enough for the Lady to get the picture, you should have paid enough tax to last you all through the summer!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty(Who have a MUCH higher tax rate BOL)

  13. Yeah, we had to pay that hat tax here too, but at least we connived to get some treats AND turkey out of the process.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  14. You pups don't look too excited to have those squeaky toys on your head. No way I'd stay still for that, no matter what the tax laws are! I hope you got lots of yum yum treats!

  15. Forget enthusiasm...we think you deserve treats for cooperation.

  16. That is a very steep TAX!!!! Happy Belated Easter!

  17. Glad you all had a great time. Sure hope you get tax refund

  18. We would be feeling da same way about da hat tax BOL!! Glad ya'll had a fun Easter wif lots of yummy food.

    Matt & Matilda


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