
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Trouble on a Thursday

Dear pals,

The other day my Man threw my disc. I ran to the spot it was. I did my usual snow angels. Then the disc disappeared.

I searched, 

and searched,

and searched,

and searched, while my people called me and were laughing and laughing, 

but I just couldn't find it. 

I didn't want to give up and leave poor disc alone in the cold. 

After this last picture was taken, I did go up to the Man,

and he was holding my disc. I have no idea how he got it. It must be a very magical disc! 


  1. we are sure that disc is magical... can you make a wish too?

  2. My evil mom does that to me with my tennis ball, Phod.

  3. We love your new necklace Phod. It sure wasn't nice of that disc to hide on you like that. BOL!

  4. Now that's not fair, Phod! I hope he threw it again, for real this time!

  5. no fair daddy.... but lots of fun for all of you and all of us... hugs Phod, keep and eye on that magical disc

  6. Poor Phod. The way we humans toy with our pets is not always nice. I must confess I used to put scotch tape on our schnauzer's foot just to see the cute thing she did in trying to fling it off. Mitzi, if you can hear me on the far side of the Rainbow Bridge, I'm so very sorry!

  7. Hari OM
    OMD that was cruel and unusual behaviour of the disc... I hope daddy appreciated it going to him!!! (;~p) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Oh PHOD that behavior is 100% deserving of your back of disrespect. OMDS I guess maybe the social distancing has caused Man to get his jollies anyway he can. Bless your heart thank goodness that was not Precious that he used.
    If our borders were not closed, I'd tell you to come here
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Boy, that was kind of sneaky. Is your man named Houdini?

  10. Phod, did your dad pull a trick on you. You were thinking that you would have to wait for all that snow to melt away before you could find it again. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  11. We think that was a mean trick. Peeps often do that sort of thing just to laugh at us! But at least you were all outside having a game.

  12. Phod, we think the Man played a trick on you. You will have to find a way to pay him back.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  13. We think your humans were fooling you, Phod.

  14. Stunt throw. Oldest trick in the book, but it works every time! Well played, Man. Well played.

    Love and licks,

  15. I guess it's like the "hat tax" it's just something that happens sometimes without warning :-)

  16. No question about it was magical disk.

  17. BOL!!! OMD, Phod, dude, that is one magical disk fursure!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Wow, how lucky the disc magically turned up!!


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