
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tasty Tuesday - Waiting is the Hardest Part - by Zaphod

Ummm, people. There are a lot of yummy pancakes sitting up there. I am sure there is one for me. 

See, there they are. I am pretty sure that one on the green plate is for me. 

I hope I don't have to wait much longer, I am feeling faint . . . .


  1. I hope some pancakes found da way to you... and with da maple syrup they are a feast for our tummy... a Nelly likes them with sardines in oil, butt he is weird...

  2. Yes Phod, and we can see you are looking quite emaciated through lack of pancake...

  3. Hari OM
    Crikey, Phod - you're fading away before our eyes - that pancake better get a shift on! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Lucky you, Phod. That will be the day when I get an entire pancake instead of just a piece of it!

  5. Dilly Dog has a message for Phod. You are a lucky dog. You live with generous people. I have been worried about my lady-person. Something's weird about her these days. This morning there was a half a banana that I know the man-person intended for me, but SHE ate it. So selfish!!!!

  6. you should be glad I am not there with you, your pancake might disappear. I gave up sugar 3 years ago, and can't have pancakes because I need syrup on my pancakes. I am thinking you don't put syrup on yours

  7. We sure hope you got that pancake before you passed out from malnutrition Phod. Our mom always makes us a couple of small pancakes with the last of the batter when she makes pancakes too.

  8. I hope your humans finally gave you that pancake, and some sausage too, Phod. Yum!

  9. Oh no, Phod!! Starving to death while your pawrents neglect you!?!?!

  10. WTD??!!!! Oh sorry the Peeps are torturing you with the pancake just outta reach! SO WRONG! Hey, if you needs a boost, I can be there in a jiffy! (or just ask Hailey....I'm sure she would do it for half a pancake..(
    Ruby ♥

  11. Yummy, those pancakes look very delicious. You are very good at waiting so patiently. We hope that you got a little taste. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  12. Phod with all your unconditional love, beautiful eyes and devotion you should never have to wait.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. OMD, should we call animal services? It looks like you're being tortured!!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  14. Phod, OMD! I can smell those pancakes!! Looks so good and fluffy!!
    Stay safe and healthy my friends!!

    Pinot xo

  15. Waiting is sooooooooooooooo HARD!!! Hope you got that pancake sooner than later.

  16. Awk...a dog could expire waiting on humans sometimes. Hope you {finally} got your pancake, Phod.

  17. We hope you didn't have to wait long. That pancake looked yummy.

  18. Ooohhh, that pancake looks like it had your name on it, and looks like the perfect way to start a day!! You lucky dog!! :-)!

  19. YUMMY maybe we can get Mama to make us and human brudder some dis morning.

    Matt & Matilda


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