
Friday, July 19, 2019

Nature Friday - The Flowers in Our Yard

Today we join Rosy and the Boyz for Nature Friday.

Lady is not a gardener - it is one of those things she wished she liked, but really hates. In spite of this, we still have some flowers in our yard. 

At the front of the house, planted by the people who built the place, we have some lilies. They just started to open last week.

In parts of the yard, where we are 're-wilding' (which is a movement to let nature take care of itself and have humans interfere less - and it sounds much nicer than the peeps are way to lazy to do anything about this part of the yard), we have some very pretty wild flowers. 

There is some of the flowers in our yard! We hope you enjoyed!


  1. that orange is a super good mood color ;O)

  2. Your flowers are beautiful! Sweet Peas are one of mom's favorites!

  3. We love wildflowers! Around this area, there are tiger lilies blooming along the sides of the roads.

  4. You have some pretty flowers in your yard. We really like those pink ones.

  5. Happy Nature Friday. We love the beautiful flowers that you shared. There is no gardening for us when the heatwave is going on. Thanks for the share. HAve a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  6. We too have what we call a 'survival of the fittest' garden!

  7. Hari OM
    Oh I am all for 'frilly edges' in any yard. How frilly? I make no measure!!! YAM xx

  8. Lady might not be a gardener but she sure can take some pretty pictures of your blooms
    Hugs HiC

  9. Gardening isn't seen as a past-time here either. We will add re-wilding to our vocabulary. You have some very pretty blooms.

  10. Mom loves a beautiful garden, but she hates the work involved to keep it up, so she understands. But that lily is very pretty, and the daisies are lovely.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Love it when nature takes over. More time to do other things. 😇

  12. Wow, what lovely wild flowers and lilies!! Our Mama totally understands about the gardening thing...

  13. I love your day lilies! They are one of my favorites because they just do their own thing and don't need a lot of care, which is why I've decided that I need a few more of them - And wild flowers too, because I love the "natural" look as well, it just suits me better. But I do wish I had daisies, mine didn't come back this year....Maybe I'll put some out for next year.

    But I do hope your week ends on a good note, and you have a good weekend!

  14. I love your lilies!!! Beautiful orange!!! And the wildflowers are wonderful too!

  15. I'm trying to find perennials that will grown in my front garden so I don't have to buy flowers every year.

  16. We very much like your lilies! and mom likes the idea of re-wilding too!
    Mabel & Hilda

  17. Beautiful flowers and we did enjoy them, thank you for sharing them. Hugs


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