
Friday, June 28, 2019

Nature Friday - When Storms Strike

Earlier this week we talked about going to the dog park. We hadn't been since the tornados came through our area on September 21, 2018. That day 6 tornados touched down in our region. 3 people died, numerous were hurt and many lost everything (one small community of about 1000 had 60 buildings completely destroyed).

One of the tornados went through a piece of the park. Lady said it was haunting. It may not be the normal beautiful nature we share, but given all the climate change things that are happening, it is important to share. Perhaps it will inspire us all to make a few small changes to help save our planet. (She will get off her soapbox now).

Having a drink in a spot that use to have trees

Remains of the forest. 


  1. wow that looks scary... unbelievable how a storm can erase things within minutes what needed years to grow...

  2. this is just to sad for words. it looks much like it looks here after hurricanes.. glad you were safe and are safe now...

  3. Hari OM
    Having experienced tornado-like storms in OZ, I can appreciate how fearful this can be. A great illustration... YAM xx

  4. That is what happened to our hiking grounds at Sleeping Giant. It's finally reopened to the public after more than a year of clean-up. It's incredibly sad.

  5. Dear Me Phod and Lee...just heartbreaking.....Mother Nature had good, bad and ugly for sure.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Those tornadoes certainly made a mess!

  7. Wow, six tornadoes. That is scary. We hope the dog park will be back to normal soon. It will take some time to plant new trees and have it looking good again. Thanks for the share. Have a great upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  8. Wow...tornadoes are scary...but even scarier when they are happening in places that don't usually see them!!
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  9. I can't picture Canada having tornadoes.
    Coffee is on

  10. Tornadoes are scary - we live where they happen a lot.

  11. Wow! That is an amazing amount of damage.

  12. We're glad tornadoes are rare where we live in WNY. Ghostwriter and Dad have a story about one that happened while they were at a theater watching a Star Wars movie. (39 years ago!!!) During the middle of it there was a lot of banging and thumping heard, and everyone thought it was part of the movie. But then the power went out and the noises continued. Apparently a mini tornado had touched down. Nobody was injured, there was only minor damage in the town, and the movie goers all got free tickets to come see the movie at a later date.

    So sorry about the one that hit your area.

  13. Your mum can stay on her climate soapbox as long and often as she likes. We need more people to spread the word. 🌲

  14. Tornados are so powerful and scary. Storms are getting more intense

  15. Tornadoes are so scary. I've never been near one... I can only imagine how hard it has been for your community. I'm glad that you went back to the dog park but I hope that it wasn't too upsetting.


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