
Monday, April 8, 2019

Mischief Monday - When It Rains Inside

The scene: The warmed day in months, we are all having a Saturday afternoon bed nap.

Lady is awoken to the words "get a bucket, the roof is leaking" and it all went down hill from there. There were a LOT of HBO words. A LOT! This cannot be understated. Lady is not a crier but she has a mouth that would make a sailor blush.

After the buckets were in place, as the Man raced to the neighbours to see if anyone was home to borrow a ladder long enough to reach the roof (no one was), Lady started looking for roofers. (FYI: A long ladder has been ordered and will be here on Tuesday). 1.5 hours after it began, a roofer was on the very snowy roof.

The short story: Given how much snow is up there, the exact amount of damage is unclear. The roof itself is in good shape. The problem is with some joints and the V part. The building inspector missed this. The roofer (who looks 12 by the way, but seems to know his stuff) needs to wait for the snow to melt to come back with a drone (welcome to the 21st century) to do a full inspection and measurements. Basically we need to fix these joints and put in something called flat roof in the V. Once the roof is fixed, they can take on having the bedroom ceiling repaired. This is going to be expensive. Thank goodness for the emergency fund!

The damage in the ceiling. There is also a crack in the wall over the door.
In the meantime, the roofer left a long ladder and Lady and Man have had the opportunity to shovel snow off the roof. Lady is proud of herself for getting up (she listed off all the brave things she has ever done, the list is short but includes skydive, zip line, bobsled, climb a pyramid as she went up). Getting down was really not pretty but due to the danger of it, there is no video so she can pretend it was graceful.

The view up there is amazing. Lady suggested we put a deck up there. 

Let's hope the snow melts sooner rather than later so at least we don't have to keep buckets in the bedroom and the leaking stops. (The leaking occurred from about 2:30 pm-9 pm on Saturday. At the time of this writing there had been no more leaks, but it is colder today and melting may not be happening)


  1. Brrrr, still loads of snow!!! And what damage its managed to do...see, I knew there was a reason why I don't like SNOW
    Hope you get all warm and dry soon and its not too expensive a fix
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. we hope the snow is gone till tomorrow (well ya know LOL) and it will not cause much more damage... our grandparents hat to stand this once and the roof of their garage collapsed, the car was damaged and covered in snow ... and it was the fault of the granny because she forced the grampy to bring the car inside that they haven't to remove the snow in the morning... humans make plans, god laughs...

  3. so sorry, this is not good news at all! Lady is brave, I would not do that. at age 15, my dad was on the flat part of the roof, putting down hot tar. I climbed up on the roof to see what he was doing and them refused to go back down the ladder. Daddy was not happy

  4. Gail and I are VERY impressed to see Lady up there on the roof, and we do hope the repairs get done quickly and do not exhaust the emergency fund.
    Toodle pip!

  5. Mom remembers those days so well of leaky roofs. The snow and ice dams can cause so much damage. It's nice to see a smile on Lady's face!

  6. Oh goodness, that sounds skeery and frustrating! I bet that would be a problem with all that snow piling up for so long. We hope it fixes with as little irritation and green papers as possible.

  7. It's hard to imagine having that much snow around still. We hope your snow melts fast so you don't have to be on the roof too much and the leak can be fixed.

  8. Sorry to hear about the leaky roof. Hope that snow melts quickly so you can get it fixed.

  9. Oh Phod and Lee I do indeed believe I heard a sailor cussin' but alas it was your Lady?! If I had been there I would have been crying...We've had around the chimney about 3 years ago it was a MESS nothing actually leaked in the house but the dang spot on the ceiling was the size of a Smart Car by the time it quit growing.

    Now pretty please for me, ask Lady and Man if given a choice would they rather drive to NY, rent a RV, load it up for a week including you two, then drive to Indiana OR would they rather climb on the roof?
    Hugs HiC

  10. PS the young roofer and his drone will make for a very interesting post.

  11. P.S.S.Lee and Phod
    Judging from what M&G told me after Hurricane Florence, repairing a ceiling that has sprung a LEAK is gonna cost so you 2 might have to sacrifice some treat money...Just sayin'

  12. Hope, you can get enough snow off so that the roof doesn't leak too much. I had that happen once too, but on my roof it was because an ice dam had formed as soon as the snow was cleared off it was fine.

  13. Oh man! Leaky roof is no fun at all. Good luck getting the snow off and then the repairs done inside and out. Yikes. This calls for some serious doggy snoopervising!

    Love and licks,

  14. OMD....Thank goodness your LAdy and Man had you there for moral support! We sure hope things get fixed before anymore damage occurs!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  15. Oh no....just when spring is coming (we think) and everything seems right, the roof goes. Sheesh! Let's hope the weather will stay clear for awhile!

  16. Oh, no!! That is not good to have water streaming down inside. Your Lady and Man are very brave to get up on the roof and shovel snow no one around here would be able to do that. We are glad the roofer came and is ready to do repairs when the snow is gone. We hope all will be fixed very soon. Hugs and nose kisses Chancy and Mags

  17. Ugh. That is not good. We hope you get the roof issue fixed soon.

  18. Sure hope you are able to get it fixed very soon
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. Oh nose dat are not good!! Oh and our Mama resembles dis statement too "mouth that would make a sailor blush"!! BOL

    Wow your Mama has done lots of brave stuffs. Our Mama is terrified of heights and just reading da brave stuffs your Mama has done made her hands sweat including getting on da roof ;)

    Matt & Matilda

  20. Leaks coming from somewhere connected to a roof can be so frustrating. We had leaks in two bedrooms for years that the roofers said was a flashing issue. Turns out the stucco covering the chimneys had very fine cracks in it and the water was getting in that way. That was our HUGE expense last year - to the tune of $33,000!!! Insurance wouldn't cover it, but it was something that HAD to be fixed:(

    We hope your snow melts, but meanwhile, please be careful up on the rooftops.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  21. I know I would be using words in that situation like a sailor on shore leave.
    Coffee is on

  22. Hari om
    Ugh! Don't talk yo me abput rooves... but at least uou don'tchave a bunch of neighbours yo wrangle... YAM xx ps - very brave!

    1. Ugh the 2nd. Have i mentio ed how i hate tapping thd screen kboatd??!!!

  23. OH NOES! That is never funs!!!! I thinks that is an excuse for the Lady to cry btw! Ma says she always has a mouth like a sailor, butts she trys to use weird words to replace the HBO ones, which doesn't always work ☺
    Anyhu, I hopes the snow melts and your roof can gets fixed soon!
    Ruby ♥

  24. Oh no! My person says this is Very Bad! I think you should get out the whipped cream. That will make everything better for your people, right??

  25. You only need a dry roof when it's not raining (or snowing). So sorry. Your mum has a nice smile all things considering. 😍

  26. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of that. The upside, the view is beautiful from your roof. Oh and that was an impressive list you mentioned as you climbed the ladder.


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