
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Contest Update 5

Welcome to your weekly edition of when will the snow be gone.

Let's take a look at how the yard looks today! (Pictures taken last evening around 5:45)

The road is clear! Lady is getting her snow tires off today as we have been a week without new snow. 

Still a little bit of snow near where that silly truck got stuck. 

Look grass mud! 

Only a little bit of snow in the front

And a little bit in the back!

While it is almost gone and has been going quickly, we are sorry that Rosy and the Boyz, Abby, Kinley and HiC missed the date!  Thanks for playing dear friends!


  1. oooh you now have the mud time... we totally love it... the mama not so much LOL

  2. Egad! I didn't think snow was permitted after the Spring Equinox. I wuz wrong.

  3. Hari om
    Based on this ig looks like my will also near and yet so far! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We are hoping for a big warm up and snow melt in the next couple of days as our day approaches quickly. The best thing is that you can finally see your yard and most of the snow is gone.

  5. It's almost all gone! Soon your grass will turn emerald green and the spring flowers will appear! yay!

  6. And we thought our winter hung on for too long! Hopefully things will warm up where you are soon.

  7. LOL I am just happy happy that it is melting for ya'll!! Hugs HiC

  8. PS now we need a contest on how long it will take all the mud to dry up!! LOL

  9. Unless Mother Nature has another trick up her sleeve, looks like it won't be too long!

  10. Please don't let it disappear tomorrow but DO let it go away on the 29th:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. We will wait until your mom mops all the floors then we will
    come over and run in the mud with you ok?
    ha you should have heard my ma yelling today.
    we need to get out of town quick.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  12. We are just happy your snow is going away!!!
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  13. That looks like some pawsome mud!!! Can I come overs?? It looks tons more fun that the heat here!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Goodness, snow still, eh? Gosh, how high is your altitude?!

  15. The question is... did she let u play in the snow!

  16. Good thing you are not in Alberta! My Dad got a ton o snow yesterday! But it should disappear today - a snow eater (Chinook) is set to hit today (Sunday)
    Love Barb


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