
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Contest Update 2

Welcome to this week's when will the snow be gone contest update!

Snow be gone, I have a tan to work on! 

Here are the guesses for next week.

April 9 – Phenny and Nelly
April 10 – Just Mags
April 12 – C.L.W. Step (aka Chester)
April 13 – Matilda

Here is the yard as of noon yesterday. 

It isn't much but you can see the grass/garden beside the house

You can smell some spring in the air

Even though the snow is still out, Precious made her debut on Monday for Phod's birthday. 

Well, we don't like to be too negative but unless we get a miracle, we don't think the first 4 entries are going to win. Unfortunately, we did get a couple new inches last weekend so instead of going we added. I guess this is what happens when you live north of the wall!

Come back next Thursday to see if any more snow is gone.  The rain in the forecast may help some.


  1. mother nature is not really our cheerleader LOL

  2. You had us cracking up about "north of the wall". We hope no white walkers come and get you. Your snow pack continues to astound us. It still looks very deep but we guess that puts us more in the running to win your contest.

  3. You guys are still very white! Love that smirk on your face, Hailey☺

  4. Looks like you still have a way to go to get rid of that snow!

  5. Yep I agree that snow is not gonna be gone by next week.

    Not sure if it will be gone by the end of April. LOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. We're thinkin' June might be a good guess after looking at your yard.

  7. I'd have to guess you will have snow until May 3rd!

  8. Yup, I'm still standing by my 2020 guess! 😂

  9. Holy snowflakes!!! It won't stop raining here in Southern California even though the song says it never rains in Southern California
    Lily & Edward

  10. We guess it will be gone by April 28th.

  11. I am not even going to guess, and I admit it, I would NOT be able to handle living there! Whew!


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