
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Contest Update 1

Welcome to our first post updating you on how the snow is leaving or not leaving fast enough.

Here is the list of entries we have and their dates. If you are missing or there is an error, let the Lady know ASAP.

April 9 – Phenny and Nelly
April 10 – Just Mags
April 13 – C.L.W. Step (aka Chester)
April 13 – Matilda
April 20 – Rosy, Arty and Jakey
April 21 – Abby
April 23 – Kinley
April 25 - HiC
April 26 - Yamini
April 27 – Millie and Walter
April 28 – Lightning, Timber and Misty
May 4- Molly
May 18 – Lassiter Chase and Benjamin
May 30 – Sandra

The following pictures were taken in our yard yesterday around noon.

Next Thursday we will give you the weekly update!


  1. kann you help a little with your mama hairdryer professor lee?... we have some doubts that our guess was the right one LOL

  2. Hari OM
    Yikes... maybe May30 isn't so wild as I thought when I first saw Sandra's submission!!! YAM xx

  3. It doesn't look like your snow is leaving anytime soon. It sure is pretty!

  4. Melting snowfreaks there must be 87" on your roof!!!
    But lookie at that blue sky!!
    Hugs HiC

  5. Look at all that snow! And we in WNY are complaining about our cold weather!

  6. OMD! That sure is a lot of snow you still have. We think we might still have a chance of winning.

  7. That snow melting better get with it if my guess is anywhere near right. :) Hugs

  8. Looks like no one is expecting an early thaw....

  9. That's still a lot of snow, but with that blue sky, maybe the sun will help things out. We might have snow on Saturday:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. BRRRRRRR...I sure hope you get a little warmer weather soon!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  11. Oh yikes. We have 60 degrees and no snow. We'll send some warmer temperatures down to you soon.

  12. There a lot more snow in your yard. I will wish it away.
    Coffee i son

  13. My guess is missing, butts it looks like it was the same as Lightning, Timber and Misty, so I'll take the day after April 29.
    Gosh, that looks very fun!
    Ruby ♥

  14. We can't believe you have that much snow, WOW we started dragging the plants out of the green house Wednesday.

  15. Wow! You still have so much snow! Ours is gone.

  16. Wow, you still have very much snow! We are finally into spring, and it is happening very fast. The cherry blossoms came and went in only a week. It is 16 degrees outside right now! Phod, for your sort-of birthday I will try to send you some Spring, okay?

    Pee Ess We love your new cover pictures!


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