
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Travel Thursday - Mexico

Valentine's isn't a big thing in our house, because everyday is a day of love! But before we begin today's post we wanted to wish you a day filled with extra love! We love you all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


While cruising, Lady and Man went to Chacchoben ruins. Lady had been there about 7 years ago with her mom and sister, but it was nice to go back!

They got other people to take pictures of them - rarely happens

Lady's fave picture of herself from this trip.

Everyone looking up at the spider monkeys! It was funny to see people who had been excited about a pyramid all turn to watch monkeys. 

As shared before, a monkey in the tree. The only reason Lady was sad to not have her heavy duty camera

These steps use to lead up to homes

Capitan Morgan pose on the steps to a home

Lady took this picture to try and show how steep the stairs are!

At the top of the stairs

The reddish stucco type materials pictured here use to cover all the structures

Fire ant hills. Lady managed not to get stung this trip. She usually does. 

Back at the port before going back on the ship, Lady and Man found some all corn tacos (Lady can't eat gluten, so this was exciting). It was the only food they bought off the ship and well worth the price. Tacos are one of the Man's favourite foods!

A sign in the port that made Lady laugh!

That was our trip in Mexico. Next week, we will share Belize, the only new to us country. 


  1. Hari OM
    The atmosphere rolls off these images, so am guessing it was 87x more oomph when actually there! YAM xx

  2. oh to be there and to listen to this old buildings and to discover such fabulous things... what a super adventure!!! Happy Valentines Day to you all...

  3. Love the photos. Lady looks smart in her emergency purchased clothes! Gail climbed some very steep steps up the pyramids at Teotihuacan just before Christmas - and that was at over 7000 ft altitude!

  4. Such pretty pictures! Momma says she's been to Mexico but not seen a pyramid. Maybe next time. Did Lady and Man go cave tubing in Belize? Momma loved that!

  5. We love all of the stone work! Lady and Man must be loving the warmer temps. Beautiful photos!

  6. that photo of you that is your favoirte is fantastic. i love the palms and steps and this is something i would love to see, all of these places you showed us, and i never will. so thanks.. i would have snapped myself silly at the monkeys and the ruins

  7. i love all those photos at the bottom. how did you do that? how about a short tutorial

  8. K10,
    Wonderful photos and I love your instant top and shorts you had to buy. They top is quite fashionable. Muffins make me happy for sure.
    Hugs HiC

  9. Though SHE is a history buff....we'd probably ALL be watching the monkeys, too. BOL!

  10. Muffin does make people happy and so does chocolate.
    Happy Valentine day.

  11. It looks so warm there!!!!!!!
    (That's our mom talking!)
    Cam and Mags

  12. Nice trip! My sister convinced me to put a down payment on a cruise of the Mediterranean; it's not until 2020 though.

  13. That is so cool! Happy Valentines Day Furiends! ♥

    Matt & Matilda

  14. We love that you share all your travel photos with us - that looks like a fun visit.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!! And much love every day of the year!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. That looks like a fun part of your trip. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you too.

  16. Thanks for sharing - looks like a very interesting place to visit
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. What great photos!! Mexico is one of our pawrents favorite dive destinations! They have been to Cozumel many times to dive...but haven't been to any of the ruins there or across the bay! They look really cool!
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Arty, Rosy & Jakey

  18. What a cool and remarkable place to visit, even if the monkeys stole the show for many peeps.


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