
Friday, November 23, 2018

Nature Friday

First, I hope this works. I don't upload enough videos to be sure.
Second, for my friends on Facebook, you may have seen this video, but it is one of my favourite videos ever, so I am sharing it here. This was taken on November 14, outside my home office window. (Note to self - wash the darn windows in the spring!)



  1. it works ;o) and it is beautiful!!! what will the dogs say with such a window tv? probably not what the fox said, right?

  2. Wow-incredible. Good job on the upload. Are you sure they're not corporate spies? 😁 Have a great weekend!

  3. That's a great sight to give you a little 'break' from working. Our windows are usually all fogged up with dog nose art and fly spray.

  4. We enjoyed this video. We never get tired of seeing the deer in our yard.

  5. Gorgeous! We love this video...and the turkeys too!! Great nature video!

  6. I LOVE the video! It makes me homesick for Midway!
    Love Barb

  7. What a wonderful view of a youngster following mom around!!! I love it!

  8. Seeing such a beautiful scene out the window must make your work day delightful. We love seeing videos.

    Woos Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. I love the video, it beats everything on TV, and I didn't even notice the windows --You should see mine, I don't think I've not washed them since 2015! ;-)

  10. What a wonderful sight out your window
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. I enjoyed all 26 adorable seconds. As for windows...we have all new windows here. Much tighter fit than original and frame dividers inside the glass and they are supposed to slide down a bit and be easily partially popped out for cleaning outside from the inside. All this works except for the fact that we have 9' ceilings downstairs and the windows are about 6'. VEry very awkward to handle even with two sets of hands unless you are the incredible hulk
    Hugs HiC

  12. What a great video. How cool that they come so close to your house.

  13. Wow! Those deer are really brave coming so close to your house! Ghostwriter saw some deer in the parking lot of the nursing home last night. They know nobody is going to hurt them in the middle of town.

  14. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! We had some of those outside our window the other day! I thought maybe Santa and his reindeer had come early! But they were just regular deer, so I BARKED!! Yours are very cute, and they look like they're getting lots to eat which is good!


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