
Monday, September 24, 2018

Mischief Monday - Florence

We are trying to imagine what kind of storm Florence was at her peak, because her tail end packed one heck of a punch to our region. Friday afternoon, 2 tornados hit our area (Ottawa-Gatineau Region), leaving a wake of destruction. The first was an EF-3 and the second an EF-2. As of now, there have been no reported deaths, 6 people are critically injured, and hundreds of homes are damaged and destroyed. 

I got to drive home, slightly east of the worst of the storm at the end of it. It was a wild drive home, with street lights out, downpours, flooding streets, amazing wind. It will probably be my favourite drive home ever, because I am a complete lover of this type of storm. In another life, I would have been a storm chaser. It is a funny thing because I spend most of my life being anxious and afraid of everything, everything except huge rain storms!

As the storm broke

Our place was minimally effected. We lost power for 25 hours. (Others will be days as a transformer blew away). Those who have followed us for a long time may remember when we first moved into this house 6 years ago, we went 72 hours in the winter followed by 95 hours in the summer without power. We then spent $3000 to have a generator panel installed and to purchase a generator. While it can't run the whole house, we have water (we live on a well), the fridge, freezer, and the heat, lights, internet etc. down stairs. We could live quite comfortably for some time.  My ancient iPad (which had been my Dad's) appears to be the only thing damaged during the storm. I had left it charging and I am guessing the power surged when it went out, and fried it. The new one will be here in 3-7 days. 

While the dogs were both a little nervous with the winds and no power, they did great. Hailey slept well once we closed the windows so she couldn't hear the wind as well.

That is how we started autumn at our place!

Hailey chil'axing the morning after the storm


  1. oh congrats Professor Lee you are a real hero!!!! I'm sorry for the pad, maybe the insurance can cover it when it was fried by a power problem? I always dream of having a generator what gives me more security, but I'm afraid this will stay as a dream...

  2. Hari Om
    WTG Lee! glad there was minimal inconvenience for you but sorry for those more affected. hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We can see you are well prepared, and Lee and Phod, you are both stars.
    This might be the time and place for Gail to confess to being a tad disappointed that she never saw a tornado in the two years she lived in Oklahoma!
    Toodle pip!

  4. The aftermath of Florence is still causing problems in North Carolina. It was one WICKED storm. Thank goodness you have a generator but bummer about the iPad.

  5. We are happy to read that the storm didn't have much affect on you. We hope the people that were hit badly are doing ok and are safe. Hailey looks very comfortable and hope the bad weather is over for you this year. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  6. My word....thank goodness you are all ok and we send prayers to those critically injured and whose homes were damaged.
    I can speak to your question of what was Floozy Florence like at her peak! She was a witch with out a heart and she pretty much stunk up NC like a 5 day old package of fish that hand not been in a fridge. Places are still flooding as the waters recede in one city they flood another and some for the 2nd time.
    That was some photo you got from your car
    Hugs HiC

  7. I'm in an area that has been hit hard by hurricanes, and while I enjoy a thunderstorm, I pray no hurricanes come our way!

  8. We saw photos and videos of that storm from inside the eye of the tornado - very scary for us who live in Tornado Alley here in Kansas. Luckily we have never been hit although those twisters have come very close.

    We are glad you are all OK and very happy to hear the dogs' reaction, especially from Hailey.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. We are so very glad you all weathered the storm ok...Mama is also a big storm(well, all weather) nut!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. We saw the tornado in Ottawa on the news....scary.

  11. We saw some footage on the news and we are sure glad that you are OK. Mom would have been scared to drive anywhere near it
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. Yeah, Florence was a BITCH! I sure am glads you guys are okays, and you gots a good generator!
    Paws crossed for all those effected ♥
    Ruby ♥


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