
Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday Sparks

I have not been in my life rhythm since before Easter. I have not been blogging or visiting blogs. I have not gotten all my exercise in. I have been busy with work and social obligations. I was feeling a little down and then I thought of this quote:

Maybe if we were all a little kinder to ourselves the world would be a little bit better.


  1. Oh yes, that's sumthingy we should all bear in mind....look after yourself and ENJOY life as it is not as you finks it should be
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Beating up on yourself usually makes you less able to get back to the stuff you want to be doing.

  3. Dear have had your plate full with extra work, extra pup to walk and The Man's surgery left you with it all to do. Definitely be kind to yourself. We are always here... and there is no judging, life happens.
    double hugs and kitty kisses
    HiC and Madi

  4. Absolutely the bestest quote ever!

  5. I feel like you in many ways... but you are right if we are kind to our inner me it will cooperate and we found the righty rhythm back :O)

  6. Life has seasons, and sometimes when we're down we have to just kindly accept ourselves as we are. Take good care of yourself, you're worth it!

  7. Yes, it's not being selfish it's tending to your own spirit so it can nourish others.

  8. Hey but think of all the good you do in your work, and how pleased others will have been to see you socially.
    Yes, be kind to yourself, it's most important!

  9. Hari OM
    Often it's the hardest thing to remember when we are busiest! Very important though. Else the wick runs low... YAM xx

  10. Sometimes taking breaks is the 'pawfect' way to be kind to yourself. We'll be here when life becomes more rhythmic on your end.

  11. Good for you reminding yourself that WE must take care of US......

    Love, Pam

  12. All of our peeps need that good reminder now and then. We hope you are feeling refreshed soon.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. That is so true...but we hope life slows down a little for you.

  14. Wells, I thinks you had every right to feel that way! Geesh! Yuppers, peeps need to gives themselves a break, and live likes US! In the moment, and lick ourselves! Um....I MEAN, LOVES ourselves!
    Ruby ♥

  15. That is a good quote. Our mom has been trying to do a little more about taking care of herself too
    Hazel & Mabel


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