
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thank You Bentley - by Lee

This year int he Blogville Christmas Exchange, dear Bentley got my name.  I was soooo excited. I got to open it a little before cousin Emma arrived for the holidays. We will have to share enough stuff when she moves in for 154 sleeps. Anyway, back to my great gift.

It came in a beautiful bag. 

I gave it a good sniff to try and guess what it was. Phod helped. 

Inside was a very cool alligator. Did Bentley know that when I lived with my foster mom, my very special baby was a gator?  I love a gator. 

I sat down to play with it and it sort of disappeared. My brother thought it was for him. He tried a play out of my own book. 

Don't worry, I got it back! 

 I decided to take the stuffing out of his mouth before the squeakers, and over the course of a day or so, finished this project.

Thank you very much Bentley for such a pawsome toy! 


  1. What a superfun toy Bentley sent you, Hailey!

  2. Hari OM
    Crikey Lee, what did that gator ever do to you to deserve such attention??! Glad you had fun. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Oh wow, that gator looks like SO much fun!

  4. Wow! You got the squeakers and the stuffing out already? Good for you. Most of my squeaky toys are all tattered and flat. But then I cherish them forever.

  5. You deaded a gator why you sure are the brave one.
    Happy New Year
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. That was very cool. We sent an email to do the gift exchange but apparently it wasn't received as we never got a name. We'll try again next year. Looks like fun!

  7. Wow, what good pressies all wrapped up in a gorgeous wrapped bag. You must have been quite the good girl this year!

  8. Well done!!!! What a cool gator!

    Hugs, Teddy

  9. Good job! Have you considered making some alligator shoes out of its hide? BOL! BOL! Happy New Year!

  10. Bentley is the best shopper and OMCs he must have a wee bit of ESP to have picked out a gator for you Hailey
    Hugs madi your bfff

  11. What!! You deaded your gator
    Umm sounds like something I'd do too.
    It was fun right?
    It was cool while it lasted is all that is important.
    xo Astro

  12. What a great pressie for you. We're glad to see you got it back from Phod so you could rip it to shreds.

  13. Great de-stuffing skills! Very few survive until New Year...BOL!
    Wyatt and Tegan

  14. Great work! You deaded that 'gator' in record time! That's what we call a fine present.

  15. How exciting! A real alligator!!!!!!!! Show 'em who's boss!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  16. Your gator pharted snow? Wow does Bentley know how to shop!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. What a fun toy! How cool that Bentley knew what you would really like.

  18. Oh gosh that really looks like a great toy! What a generous gift from Bentley :)
    I'll bet you have fun playing with that over the holidays -
    Lots of licks, your good friend Morrie!

  19. Grrrreat toy indeed. Well done Bentley!

  20. What a great present. Bentley picked just the right toy for you :-) Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  21. What a great present! And Cinnamon tells me de-stuffing toys is the most fun when it is too cold to play outside!


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