
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dear Santa - by Zaphod

Dear Santa,

I know you are a nice guy cause you don't carry a stick. Men with sticks are scary and bad, and I need to bark and growl at them.

Lady says I don't know what naughty is, so I must be on the nice list. She will say I become a bigger suck with every day that passes. Since I need to be honest to you, I know she is probably right, but saying these things out loud doesn't help my tough boy image, so if we could keep it between us, that would be great.

This year for Christmas I would like Cousin Emma to be a better sharer when she lives here. She takes all my stuff. I would like Lady and Man to stop offering me things that aren't food (like fruit and veggies). I don't understand why they are trying to poison me.  I would like to be able to play Precious or disc all day. I would like to have better ears so I don't get as many ear infections and have to have ear drops. I would like to not to have to spend time at the kennel. I would like my people, especially my Lady, to be home all the time.  A couple yummy meat treats that I don't have to do tricks for would be nice.

If you have some extra magic in your bag Santa, could you please help the animals who don't have homes. If you could spread a little love to them and help some of them find forever homes (not with me, although Lady would love it, I don't want to share her or my stuff with anyone but Lee), that would be great.

Thanks Santa,

love Phod


  1. Hari OM
    Darling Zaphod - I am certain that Santa Paws has heard and will do his best fur ya!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. phod I hope so much that all fiúrfriends in need will get a home till christmas... that would be so great!!!!...and yes men with sticks are da boogeyman... and wimmen with sticks too... it is a challenge to walk around my lake this time when whole france is in nordic walking fever and they all carry TWO sticks around... weird...

  3. We're sure you'll get extra special squeaky toys and yum yum doggie treats this Christmas Phod!

  4. Phod what a kind and loving letter to Santa! You are sure to get a huge sack of noms and goodness. You are a nice says she can vouch for that
    Madi your bfff

  5. What a great wish list! We hope Santa gives you everything on your list!

  6. What a wonderful letter to Santa, Phod! I hope you get lots of meaty treats!

  7. We are so with you about men with sticks AND those non-food things like fruit and vegies. We're sure you'll get some meaty stuff from Santa.

  8. Phod, your list sounds quite reasonable to us. And don't worry one bit about your manliness for being a nice dog - we know for a fact that it scores bigtime when it comes to treats:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. What a thoughtful letter. I bet Santa Paws will take good care of you.

    Abby Lab

  10. We think that is the best letter ever!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. All pawesome things to ask Santa fur!! We hope you get efurything in your letter :)

    Matt & Matilda

  12. Love your Santa letter. And we all think you totally ARE on his 'nice' list.

  13. What a great letter to Santa. We don't like veggies either.

  14. It all seems perfectly reasonable to us Phod! And some of us here completely understand about not wanting to share the lady human ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  15. Your letter is perfect.
    We love your hat too.
    XO Astro

  16. Santa will love your letter Phod!
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. What a wonderful letter Phod!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  18. What a great wish list for Santa Paws Phod. I'm sure HE will think so too! Let's hope you get every single thing you ask for. By the way - you look great in your Christmas outfit!

    Hugs, Teddy

  19. Wagnificient wish list for Santa Paws Phod.
    Happy Howlidays!

    Nose nudges,
    CEO Olivia

  20. Oh sweet Phod, we hope that Santa grants you as much as he can on you Chrissymouse list.
    Marty and the Gang

  21. Both your letters are very sweet! I’m sure Santa will keep it on the down low that you are mot the tough boy you appear to be. :) I hope Santa grants all your wishes and you get lots of treats and that the homeless animals find their furever homes.

  22. Phod! Wow! what a great letter to Santa! And it is so nice that you want the animals that don't have homes to get nice things too. If I were him you have me convinced and I would Bring you everything on your list!

  23. Pawsome letter to Santa. Hope all your wishes come true - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  24. OMD, if Santa could make our mommas be home with us all the time, that would be the BEST!

  25. Great letter to Santa, Phod! I hope he grants all your wishes! What is UP with humans always making us do tricks for the really good treats??


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