
Friday, December 22, 2017

Blogville Holiday Traditions - by the Lady

Our Hanukkah Tree

Our big celebration usually takes place in November, when we host our Hanukkah dinner. (For new readers, we aren't Jewish - we aren't Christian either - but over a decade ago we started having a Hanukkah themed party for something different - mainly because latkes are AMAZING!) We have Hanukkah dishes and decorations. We have friends over and we eat and talk and it is fun, but a lot of work for the Man. This year, it took 2 people 4 straight hours in the kitchen to produce lunch for 11 people.

Through this tradition, I now give Hanukkah gifts to my niece and nephew and they give me gifts. For 8 days, starting with the day of our Hanukkah party, which may or may not be at real Hanukkah,   we each have a gift to open. It is fun. 

Now on to Christmas. At some point I dress the dogs up for their annual Christmas photoshoot. They hate it!  Every year since I was born, my mom gives me an ornament for my tree. We have a small group of people we buy gifts for. This group gets smaller every year as in lieu of gifts we are doing more and more experiences (spending time together). The Man and I do stocking for each other. This has always been my favourite part of the day (and very much like my Hanukkah gifts, so I kind of get two stockings!). Generally his brother comes over for a couple days. At some point the Man cooks us a turkey dinner because he loves to cook. We then eat turkey for a week. Some years we go to a movie. Some years we stay in our pjs and play games, watch movies and eat.  It is very quiet and relaxing. I enjoy it a lot. 

At some point around the holidays I do see my sister and her family. Occasionally we have years where my parents may be around. (They live very far and you have to drive there, so it can be very unsafe to do so in the winter. I have done it before and it has been scary and not fun!)

That is how we celebrate the holidays here in rural Quebec! 


  1. Hari OM
    I just love that so many cultures celebrate with a festival representing light during the months of November and December; the important thing is to share and Love and you certainly are doing that!!! YAM xx

  2. We love your Hannukah party! Howlidays are for everyone!

  3. Sounds like lots of fun. Now ghostwriter wants latkes. Maybe she'll make Dad drive over to Fox's deli to pick up some! (We know what you mean about hazardous driving in winter.)

    We hope you have a Happy Holiday no matter which one you celebrate!

  4. We love your upside down tree!! It's better to ornament viewing, but it must be hard to water...haha!
    Wyatt and Tegan

  5. OMCs we love your Hannukah tree is it upside down to represent one of the spinning tops?
    Dreidel? the holidays can be quite stressful so we think your tradition of staying home and chillaxin' is purrfect
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. Dat sounds lovely and your Hanukkah tree is so cute!!

    Matt & Matilda

  7. That's a lot of getting getting together for fun, over the holidays!

  8. Both of your trees are just beautiful! Mom and I will be staying home Christmas Eve and we are very much looking forward to it.

  9. We see those upside down trees hanging in foyers of the very rich in Nati City with their lights all aglow. Years ago Lee dated a Jewish man they almost married, but sadly both families hated the thought. Lee never married and he did not marry for another 18 years. So live life the way you want not to make your families happy. Now is that not a bummer thought for Christmas Or Hanukkah.
    Happy Holidays
    Sweet William The Scot

  10. I love the idea of giving stockings to each other for Christmas and may have to steal that tradition for next year!!

    Now bring on those Latkes!

  11. We heard on the news that those upside down trees are very popular this year. Yours is beautiful - love the lights.

    Mom and Dad always did stockings for the kids. It must have meant a lot to them because they always went to their stockings first before looking at what was under the tree.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. We love your traditions celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas.
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. What great traditions you guys have started! Our our pretty traditional because of Kids and Grand Parents however I was divorced and rather than fight with my ex over whose house the kids would spend Christmas with and my husband being from a Ukrainian Family we started to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas on January 7th with all the traditional foods. And now that they are grown men they still look forward to this after Christmas, Christmas celebration!
    Love Barb

  14. We just heard about that upside down tree thing the other day, pretty cool!

  15. Thank you for sharing your lovely traditions :-) Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  16. That's so special for you to have such wonderful Christmas traditions!!
    My home celebrates a mix of different cultural traditions too and it makes the holidays so exciting!
    Lots of licks, your good friend Morrie :)

  17. Sounds pawfectly lovely 🐾🐾❄️☃️πŸŽ„πŸ’œ

    Nose nudges,
    CEO Olivia


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