
Friday, October 20, 2017

Flower Friday and Some Updates

We join Rosy for Flower Friday. Because she is super lazy and hasn't taken new pictures still has some beautiful rose pictures from Oregon, we are sharing one of those! 

Some updates:
Phod has allergies and will be going on a new treatment to help his ears. We will talk more about that later.
Looks like cousin Emma is moving in for about 6 months in the New Year. This gives us some time to prepare!

We look forward to catching up with you all soon! We have been doing some reading without commenting. Lady has lost some of her reading time to her physiotherapy exercises she has to do everyday!


  1. Tell the Lady we hope she is better soon. We have lost commenting time too due to Mommy's health issues, thank Cat & Dog she goes to a specialist Monday and hopefully they can find out what is wrong with her. We are sorry to hear that Phod has allergies, we hope the new treatment helps him.

  2. hugs to you all and potp for phods ears... and if you are not prepared for emma you can send her to me... we will have a blast... and probably my humans will stay in your guestroom for the 6 months hahahaha

  3. Hari OM
    health comes furst; hyooman or pups... Emma staying. Prepare for interesting times... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. That is a beautiful rose. We have our paws crossed that the new treatment will help Phod and his ears.

  5. Sending POTP fur BOTH Phod and The LADY.
    OMD EMMA is coming... and STAYING fur like 87 weeks??? Gird your Loins... Just sayin.

  6. We hope Phod's ear problems go away. (We cocker spaniels know about ear problems! I have been fortunate … so far.) Hope your Lady feels better too.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What beautiful roses! Six months is a long stretch.

  9. We send purrs to Phod and hope he feels better soon.

  10. Beautiful flowers this week. They are so striking in the autumn light.

  11. BEAUTIFUL flowers!
    Sending prayers for Phod! <3

  12. We hope Phod's ears are feeling better! Are the exercises helping?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Those roses are just incredible. Well, at least you know the cause of the ear issue, but bummer that it has to be allergies. Is it just seasonal? That would be better than trying to figure out if it is certain foods.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Hope that the treatment will help with Phods ears.
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Ugh! Poor Phod!! Sounds like fun times ahead next year!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  16. I hope you're all ears for some POTP, Phod!

  17. I hope the meds work, and I hope you're able to relax this weekend. Take care, and continued POTP and all our best vibes coming from VA!


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