
Saturday, August 5, 2017

We Missed You

Sorry we have been MIA. Life has been crazy busy for the Lady. She consulted out of town for 3 days, was home for 2, then off to visit her parents for 6 days.

Man did a pretty good job at taking care of us while Lady was away.

We hope to be back to a more normal blogging schedule for the next couple weeks, although it is going to be very busy as Lady tries to get all her work done before heading to mini-BAR without us.

FYI: Phod's test results weren't back last week when the Lady called. Our vet is away until Tuesday, so Lady will call again this week and see if anything was found. He is not enjoying having to eat less food! 

Hope our Northern Hemisphere pals are enjoying summer and winter isn't too bad for our Southern Hemisphere pals. 


  1. Hari OM
    Have given up on the idea of summer over this way. A day or two with no rain and warm temps here and there does not a summer make! Paws crossed for Phod. YAM xx

  2. Your Lady is very busy! My paws are crossed for you, Phod!

  3. I hope dat you get good results.

  4. It was 60 degrees in Chicagoland yesterday. Mom had to put on a sweater! Dad has a cold so Mom is busy doing the chores he normally helps with, but he does feel a little better today.

    Abby Lab

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yes we did miss you but it does appear the Man did a great job while Lady was away. We hope the grandpeeps were feeling good when Lady left to come home
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. Paws crossed on your test results and we hope things calm down for your mum. Happy weekend-hope it's grand.

  7. Summer is a busy time of year! We're glad you're all back together!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  8. We have enjoyed a slower paced summer than normal, but Mom says we are going to have a very busy fall. We hope the tests all come back good.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  9. Poor Phod. We've been enjoying sunny days, lazing in the sun. Perhaps the frosty mornings have gone for awhile. Paws crossed for Phod.

  10. We're glad Lady is home - for awhile!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Purring that Phod gets good test results! We hope life slows down for you.

  12. We're glad your Mama finally came home...we have our paws crossed for you Phod!!
    Arty & Jakey

  13. We have our paws crossed for Phod and we hope you don't miss the lady to much, isn't the idea of BAR that you get to go too?

  14. Hope you get the results this week - it is hard to wait. but our paws are crossed for Phod.
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Hi guys, we've been missing you too but we know how it is when things get busy. Hope the test results cone back on.
    Toodle pip!

  16. Hi guys, we've been missing you too but we know how it is when things get busy. Hope the test results cone back on.
    Toodle pip!

  17. Pawsitive thoughts in regards to Phod's test results.
    Not much summer here in Ontario Canada with all the rain, storms & cool temps but we're making the best of it.

    Nose nudges,
    CEO Olivia


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