
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Thankful Thursday

We got some people to thank today.

Way back at Christmas, our dear friend Phenny sent us a Santa bubble machine (which has a motor so it scares Phod, Lee is indifferent). Lady had put it aside to share with our human cousins.  Maggie (who is 3) loved it and was sad when we ran out of bubbles. Thanks Phenny!

Angel Nellie's Lady sent us this really cool magnet for celebrating Nellie's 19th birthday.  Thank you for this great way to remember a friend. 


  1. that was a good idea your lady ha... I mean Santa has normally not much summer fun... eggs-cept in your house... well done!

  2. You nose those DUCKs on my blog today, well.....sum mini peep was blowing bubbles at them while they swam around the fountain. Not surprisingly the DUCKs were completely disinterested!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. Hari OM
    Two marvellous things to be grateful for... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh my pig! That santa blaster is way too cool. We got one too from dear brother Phenny. I have played with mine in the backyard. so fun!! XOXO - Bacon

  5. We do not know about bubbles but bet we would love them! That was so nice of your pals!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Ohhhhh we love that they wee human likes the when she visits will always be sure to have something to entertain her.
    What a lovely image of Nellie on the magnet.
    Hugs madi your bfff aND MOM

  7. What furbulous things to be thankful for this Thursday!
    P.S. A few drops of Dawn with water substitute nicely in bubble machines for when you run out. ☺️

  8. So THAT'S what Santa does in the off season:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty

  9. Well, we're afraid of bubbles whether they make a noise or not! So happy the little peep loved them. It's always lovely to get surprises from Blogville friends.

  10. Bubbles are such fun! I need to get some for Bentley and Pierre to experience. Gifts are always such a nice surprise ♥

  11. The bubble machine looks like so much fun! I am glad that Maggie had fun with it. You would have thought that the pups might have joined in.

  12. bubbles!! they look like fun!
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. BUBBLES!!!!!! I can't believes you guys don't likes bubbles!!! OMD, they are super duper funs! Ma likes my bubble machine, cause she can do other stuffs while I am busy chasin' bubbles...and it wears me out...☺
    I am glads your MOms found a family member that can chase them like I do! BOL
    And that magnet is FABulous!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Excellent idea to celebrate Christmas in July!! Bet the bubbles were a blast!!

  15. What a cool bubble machine, and what a fun time Maggie must have had with it!
    Arty & Jakey

  16. What a fun pressie. We can tell the little one enjoyed it.

  17. You have such thoughtful friends!

  18. Oh! Oh! Oh! How did mes miss this post? Mes has readed the ones before...and the ones after! Mes LOVES bubbles! Ever since mes was a little cat!
    And Mes happy your magnet arrived!
    many Kisses
    Angel Nellie Bellie


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