
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Phod at the Vet

A few weeks ago I mentioned that Phod was being picky with his food and at times appeared to have stomach cramps. There have been some other symptoms I have not discussed here but discussed with our vet Woody. They include: His gunky ears; being far more tired after the same amount/less exercise, even when it isn’t really hot; excessive panting; seeming more sore/stiff some days. Woody also noted he has put on weight. He is up 5 lbs from last year and is as active and not eating any more.

After a physical exam, other than maybe a little extra weight, Phod seems very healthy. His joints were fine, his coat was fine, the gunk in his ears wasn’t an infection, his heart and lungs sounded perfect. There was nothing physical to indicate a problem.

There are two things that may each explain some of his symptoms.

  1.  He has some food allergies/sensitives. We are transitioning him to a whitefish diet to see if this helps. Woody said it could take 8 weeks for us to really see a difference.
  2.  While he thinks it is a long shot, he asked that we test his thyroid. Phod was taken to the back room to have blood work done.
I feel a bit like a worry wart being a bit stressed about my boy's health, l but after our angel Loki and all his crazy health problems, I have learned to trust my intuition. Something is just a little off with my boy.  Food sensitive and thyroid are things I know I can handle, we got through immune mediated hepatitis that caused cirrhosis of the liver after all. To read more about that journey click HERE.

Paws crossed that we find a simple solution to help my boy be more himself.


  1. You gut feeling that all is not right with the boy is definitely something worth paying attention too. Fingers and paws crossed here too that there is a good solution.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. I'm sure there is a way to solve this problems and we send lots of potp that you find the best way soon and all that issues will be history.... we have small food-probs too, we ponder now if we maybe start with barf...

  3. Dear Lady, you is not being a worry pot at all...our Phod is a special fella and you peeps nose your furbabies and when thingys are just not quite right. I'm sure his change of diet will be just the thingy to make him all 'Phod-like' again!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. We are sending tons of hugs and a lot of purrs for Phod - it's good to know he's healthy and has no ear infection.....and hopefully the blood work won't show thyroid issues but it sounds like you are totally purrrpared for whatever comes your way. I know that Phod-guy is in GOOD HANDS!

    Love, Teddy

  5. I know that feeling all to well. Its hard watching them feel off. Prayers for good results.

    Katie the momma

  6. Oh Phod my friend!! YOu know we have your back and are sending you and your Lady tons and tons of purrs and love. Lady for sure you go with you instincts!! YOu know Phod better than anyone. Give that sweet hunk of G.S. handsomeness a big hug
    Madi and mom

  7. Hari OM
    POTP tilting your way from here... YAM xx

  8. We have our paws crossed that you and your vet can figure out what is off with Phod.

  9. I am sending you lots of AireZen, Phod! We want you back to being yourself!

  10. All of us Phod Phans hope he'll be better soon.

  11. Hope ya find somefin to make him feel better!

  12. It`s always good to follow your instincts. Praying as the vet figures out what is going on with Phod

  13. Knowing what it is can be is just as important as what it is not. Paws crossed the outcome is easily rectified and your fur-iend is back to being his old self. POTP thoughts.

  14. Paws crossed for good results and an easy, quick solution. Hang in there, P. Woody and your Lady got this.

    Love and licks,

  15. Nobody knows a pup like his momma and you never question the momma! Hope all is well Phoddy!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. We're glad that Phod is healthy overall, and we hope you figure out the cause of the rest real quick! Cinderella used to take a thyroid med every day, and it was no big deal.

  17. We're hoping that Phod feels better real soon! Joey dog had a lot of allergies and ear infections. Not fun!

  18. We'll keep our paws and fingers crossed. We think a fish diet would be great! Just sayin'.

  19. I hope Phod feels better soon and that all his test come back normal. Hopefully you are able to find a food that agrees with him! ((hugs))

  20. Pug paws crossed that you figure things out for Phod
    Hazel & !

  21. We are saying prayers for your boy. There is no such thing as being too concerned about our pups. They can't tell us what is wrong so we have to trust our instincts. We are sending out lots of prayers

  22. Oh, I am keepin' my paws crossed real tight for you Phod! I hopes it is something simple, and your Lady can keep you well with a little tweaking of foods or meds.
    Sendin' lots of POTP and AireZens!!!
    Ruby ♥

  23. Paws and fingers crossed for Phod and hope there is nothing serious wrong. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  24. You're smart to trust your gut instincts! You know your pup better than anyone and know when something isn't right. We will remember to pray for him!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  25. Have you noticed and hair loss from the top of his muzzle? That's an indicator of hypothyroidism. Hope you find the answer soon!

  26. I sure hope that Phod feels better soon. The thyroid test might be a long shot but it could also explain a lot of things, and it's simple to supplement with thyroid hormone. Hope it all turns out well.

  27. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! We hope you feel better soon!!


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