
Monday, April 10, 2017

Remembering Dory

Our hearts broke a little yesterday when we learned that our friend Dory was called to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday after a short illness. It seems her big heart just wasn't strong enough for all the love. 

It is a reminder that with great love and friendship, comes great loss. 

We will join her family in remembering our smiling friend.

Run free sweet girl, run free. 


  1. Hari Om
    heart-aching here... YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Lovely tribute. Gail and I never had the good fortune to meet dear Dory but feel we knew her so well, and now are so sad.
    Sending hugs,

  3. Oh, Dory always had a beautiful smile for everyone! We are so sad for the loss of sweet Dory and send her family lots of love and prayers.

  4. Beautiful tribute, Hailey and Phod. Dory was such a sweetheart♥

  5. you met her in pawson and you made a wonderful memory that way.... but that it becomes a memory so soon.... no idea what to say...but maybe my tears can talk too....

  6. So sad to hear about our friend
    Lily & Edward

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. May your lovely memories of your friend Dory bring you comfort at this sad time.

  8. It is heartbreaking, so sad
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  9. We're all so sad about our dear friend Dory too. As I told Princess Leah, I'm going to be howling sadly at the moon again tonight. Feel free to join me.

  10. Phod
    Dory had the best smile and OMCs...she was such a social butterfly at the BAR....she met and greeted every buddy and their humans. We have an imprint on our hearts from her paw...
    This is a beautiful photo...
    Hugs madi and Mom your bfff

  11. It's so sad - I'm gonna miss Dory a lot.

    Me and the Idaho Pug Ranch pups are hosting a speshul Flowers for Dory blog hop on Friday, April 21. All the information is here.

  12. It was so sad to hear of the loss of Dory. Her physical heart may have given out on her but the heart of Dory will forever remain with us.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  13. We are so thankful that Dory stopped by the PugRanch on her way home from the BAR
    we are just so sad
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. What a beautiful post about Dory. We are so sad...
    Yur Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  15. Words can't express how thankful we are to be surrounded by so much love . Thanks you so much for your beautiful tribute for Dory.

  16. We always think of 'it's better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all' (quote is near enough we think.)

  17. This is such a DIFFICULT DAY... we can't believe that our Darling Dory has left us.

  18. This is the first we have heard of this. We are off to visit her people now. Thank you for letting us know!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  19. We are sad to hear the news about Dory. She was loved by so many. Purrs to her family.

  20. Our hearts go out to all who knew & loved her.
    Dory knew love.

    Nose nudges,
    CEO Olivia

  21. That sweet little smiling face may be gone, but she will not be fur-gotten. 💔


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