
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday Zaphod!

Last day of 5 after a playing with Precious in the driveway

Today we are celebrating Phod's 6th birthday!
It is hard to believe our sweet boy is already 6 - where does the time go!  

Phod is asking all his pals to play fetch this weekend as a way to celebrate his birthday.

Our dear friend Madi sent along this card. The picture of Phod is from BAR last year where he met Madi's peeps in the flesh!


  1. Well: we hope no one will make a joke about today being your special BarkDay (and we won't either!!!) ... and we're sure it is not a joke ... cause YOU are not a joke ... even tho we think you can be a very funny (as in funny-lovable and fun-lovin') pupster lots of the time ... and we also think you're the Number One Very Bestest Ever PHOD we know (and yes, we do know TonsOfPhods, no joke) ... and so here we are to wish you HAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPY (that's 6 so you don't have to count) birthday wishes! Woof ... Dougie Dog, Zoey and their Hu-Mom

  2. Happy Birthday!!! We hope you have a special day filled with fun and love!

  3. Happppppy happy 6th birthday today Handsome Phod and Aunty too. How nice to share a bday w her.
    My mom told me you are such a gentle German Gent
    Kitty hugs Madi your bfff and we are glad you liked your card

  4. Happy 6th Birthday, Phod! I hope you have the bestest day ever!

  5. Happy Birthday handsome Zaphod!!!
    Dory and Mama(and the Boyz too!)

  6. Hey there Phod - WOWZERZ! You iz 6 yearz old 2-day - HAPPEE BARKDAY 2 U - iz there gonna b a cake? Gotta haf sum cake. How'bout a cake shaped like a tennis ball - bet that wood b hard 2 play fetch with.
    Lady Shasta

  7. Happy birthday Phod! It's my cat Homer's birthday today, too, so you got a birthday twin!

  8. Happy Birthday, Phod!!!! How we love that first shot of you - gorgeous!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  9. Hari OM
    HAPPY BARKDAY DARLIN'!!! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  10. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY PHOD!!!!! I will happily play fetch in your honor this weekend!!!! Waits....does that mean I have to gives BACK the ball??? Okays, I thinks I'll play 'Ruby's version' of fetch....make Ma chase me with the ball ~ SO much more funs! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  11. Happy birthday Handsome Phod! We hope it was full of good things like fetch with your Precious!

  12. Happy birthday, Phod! I've had trouble finding time to visit all the blogs I read because I've been busy, but I couldn't miss your birthday, pal!

  13. Happy Birthday, Phod!! Cricket and Luke are most happy to celebrate with you by playing fetch (they even have fresh snow to do it in!).
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Happy 6th Birthday Phod.
    We know you are loved so much.
    xo Astro

  15. Happy Barkday Phod!!! Hope it was a wonderful one!!!!
    Marty and the Gang

  16. Happy Birthday Phod!!! I did play frisbee today with my chuckit frisbee!!
    BAiley & Hazel too

  17. ¸¸.•*¨*•*´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤Happy, Happy Birthday to Phod! I hope the day was full of mischief, treats and fun!! Here's to the next 6 years and beyond!!

  18. Happy Birthday Phod. We know you had a great day.

  19. Wishing you a wonderful Birthday sweet furiend!! And many more to come!

    Molly and my Mom @The Fast and The Furriest

  20. Belated Happy Barkday Phod, we are sorry we are late. Blame the human, we do.

  21. *♪ღ♪Happy★Belated★Birthday, buddy! ♪ღ♪*


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