
Thursday, April 27, 2017


Congratulations to Princess Leah for picking the correct day for the end of our snow.

We still had a little yesterday morning but when we went out around 4 pm, it was all gone! We think Leah's mom's and Yamini's birthday's was a lucky day! We also have had a lot of rain this month (it was one of the wettest April's on record) and the snow has gone from hip deep on April 1st to none  on April 26th! It is earlier than we thought it would be gone!

The last patch is gone!

Thanks to everyone who entered. It was a really fun way to celebrate the end of winter.

We are taking a couple days off as Lady is far behind in work and has some things to catch up on before the month ends (that is how some of her contracts work) and it is going to be 26C/78F today so we need to be outside as much as we can! (This is above seasonal, normally it is more like 14C/58F this time of year). We hope to catch up with everyone over the weekend.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


First, the Man and Hailey are thrilled their team, the Ottawa Senators has made it to the next round of the play offs. Phod is sad his team is out and Lady is just finding all this hockey stuff annoying (it is interfering with the Man making her dinner!)

Now the snow update.

Lady was thrilled that finally the ice has left the lake yay! It looks like a lake!

When she got home last night there was this:

still a little snow in the backyard. Lady would like you all to know she had a dream we got a big snowstorm. Let's hope that doesn't come true.  Sorry to Angel Dory and the Boyz, the 24th is not our true snowless day. Will it all be gone on the 26th for Princess Leah or will Louis win with the 28th?  It is possible Sam and Elsa's 29th could be the winner.

Stay tuned! 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Mischief Monday - Spring Is In The Air

Lady: "Phod, just because you smell good things doesn't mean you can leave the yard."

Phod: "The other day I had to  visit that horse  and I stopped by the fence near the driveway, I was only like 2 Phody lengths out of the yard, so I don't think it counts."

Lady: "The horses are there a lot, we don't need to be chasing them."

Phod: "I couldn't help it, she told me to chase her, I was just being neighbourly."

Lady: "Hmm, I doubt that. Then on Saturday night you did leave the yard again and walked down the road."

Phod: "Our old neighbour Ghost (who could be Phenny's uncle) was around and had left some pee mail that totally needed reading. I technically hardly left the yard, I stayed mostly on the property. I only went on the road to miss that big puddle, but then went right back."

(Editor's note: The puddle was so big that for about 5 days, a pair of ducks lived in it.)

Lady: "I think we need to be a little stricter on staying in the yard or you are going to have to be on tie out all the time like Hailey."

Phod: "I will give it some thought because I don't see how I can play fetch with you on a leash."

First day of spring 2016

Sunday, April 23, 2017

When Will The Snow Be Gone - Contest Update

So far 3 guess dates have come and gone. As of Saturday evening:

No snow in the front yard,

a little tiny bit of snow in the side yard,

and the most snow left in the backyard. 

Today, the 23rd is Kinley's day - will it all be gone by dinner? Did Angel Dory and the boyz pick right with the 24th? Will it last until Princess Leah's guess on the 26th?  Will it last even longer?

Stay tuned to find out when it final leaves us!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Earth Day

Today is the day we celebrate our planet and all the things we can do to try and help it. The humans on the planet haven't always been kind and have done some damage. But rather than getting depressed about it, we are going to all work together to find ways to help it. If you need ideas be sure to visit where Louis has put together all we are doing to help the planet.

I was personally most reminded of the need to do more to save the planet on my trip to Iceland in 2015.

Here I am standing on a glacier. Our guide said the glacier is receding 50-100 feet per year. 

The place it was most apparent that we must work together to help our planet and probably one of the most amazing, beautiful places I have ever been:

While sitting looking at the icebergs, I wondered if my niece (who was 1 at the time) would ever be lucky enough to sit and enjoy the beauty of this place. Would they all be melted by the time she travelled the world?

I know the enormity of the task of reversing all the damage is overwhelming, but I believe the little steps we can take at home can make a difference. I challenge everyone to find one thing they can do this week that will help protect the planet. Nothing is too small!  Together we can change the future! 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Flowers For Dory

Today we join Blogville in celebrating Angel Dory in a Flower Friday.

When we were traveling in Asia, I specifically took pictures of flowers to share on these days.

Here are two.

The first up is from Thailand. No idea what type of flower it is, but thought it was very interesting. 

The seconds is the lotus. The pink lotus means purity and devotion and is the perfect flower to remember our dear friend with.

Pink flowers are always going to remind us of Dory. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Trying To Like The Treat Flyer

Phenny was kind enough to send some special treats for Phod's birthday. The one being a treat launcher.  Now this launcher (that I will eventually figure out how to get the video up) makes a clicking sound, which scares Phod.

We are working on teaching him to not fear it. We tried pairing it. This is how it went:

Phod standing near the bathroom smelling it. 

The Man gently dropping treats for Phod.

Phod eating the treats and the girls being very jealous.

Phod deciding that this was to scary and going to the bathroom.

The girls had a great time with it, so at least someone is enjoying it!

Snow update:
As of last evening this is the snow in the back yard.

There is one spot in the front with a lot too. Now it is raining the next couple of days, but the temperatures are low over night. Will the snow be all gone by Phenny's day tomorrow?  Will Kinley have picked the right day with the 23rd? Will it last longer?  Time will tell! (Lady is working very late tonight so won't have a chance to add a snow update to Friday's post, but will do her best to let you all know how it is melting on Saturday).

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter Bunny hid some eggs with some treats.

Hailey 5
Zaphod 2
Emma 1

It took Phod a bit to realize there was food in the eggs (Hailey figured that out right away and I am not sure Emma had the chance to figure it out!)

Not to worry, everyone got treats for playing! 

Emma following Hailey to the first egg

Hailey trying to open the egg

"Are you sure there are more eggs to find?"
Note the toys and mess made by Emma

Phod beating Lee to an egg 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Mischief Monday - Other Smells - By Phod

Dearest Blogville,

Do your people ever come home smelling like other animals?  If they do, do you feel all sad like I do? I am left alone to guard the house. I am usually such a good boy, and I love my Lady so. Why oh why does she need to go out and spend time with others?

Recently she has come home smelling like this:

duck! My very favourite food in the whole wide world. This is Daffy, formally Pandora, being held by Lady's coworker. As you may recall, Lady has a client doing some volunteer work at an animal sanctuary called Big Sky Ranch. Some family had gotten Pandora (who turns out to be a boy) as a pet and realized ducks just pee where they want to. Daffy is now being loved at the Ranch.

There was also cat. This picture was taken by Lady's client (he loves to take her picture and has thousands of her she is sure!). She is petting a cat whose name she doesn't know. She said he/she was the perfect mix of her angels Baggy and Nin. She wanted to bring him home! 

Then on Good Friday she came home smelling like another cat and a dog who had been sprayed by a skunk. The dog is being looked after by a friend, but is looking for a new home as his owner's circumstances have unfortunately changed. Lady didn't take a picture but said the dog looked so much like angel Loki she wanted to just bring him home. The Man was there to stop her or we would be a 3 dog house. When she has me to love why would she need more?

When Lady comes home with these smells, I sniff her all over to show my disapproval. She can barely walk as I am sniffing her. This picture is her trying to get into the house, but my nose wouldn't get off her. Hailey joined me in the sniffing, but got over it quickly. 

What do you do when your peeps come home smelling like traitors? Do you show them your disapproval?

A very good but sad Phod

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter

Wishing all our pals a wonderful Easter full of friends, family and hopefully extra treats! 

This is the best you are getting of the two off us

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Snow Update - When Will It Be Gone?

Tomorrow is Yamini's guess for the last day of snow. These pictures were taken Friday afternoon as we played in the warm sun. It looks like there is still going to be snow on the parts of the yard we mow tomorrow. Thanks for joining us in the melt of 2017 Yamini! 

We are excited that grass is showing and we can walk around the house without snowshoes! 

Our next guess is Phenny on the 21st. Looking at the forecast for the next few days, we are definitely getting closer (the 2 weeks after Phenny are full of guesses!)- although if you look carefully there is still snow in the forecast, but thankfully mostly rain!

Stay tuned to find out who wins our contest! 

Conversions for C to F:  17 C = 63 F  and -2C = 28F

Friday, April 14, 2017

See Beautiful - Sugar

Today we join Blogville in remembering Sugar, a beautiful soul awaiting us at the bridge. 

This picture from BAR from last year is a representation of the beauty of the friendships in Blogville. We imagine all our pals on the bench with us. That is the beauty we see.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Thanks Phenny and PSA

The mail person came to our crib! He brought an extra special parcel:

Phod's birthday gift from Phenny!   Look he covered it in hearts so we would feel the love. 

Inside there was a card. Phenny is very thoughtful and included Lee in this too. 

The parcel had lots of treats (we have tried some, they get 8 paws up), 

and the coolest toy ever. Ok, Hailey thinks it is the coolest thing ever, Phod is a little afraid of the clicking sound it makes and may have hidden in the bathroom. Lady will try and get a video up of it next week (she is being technologically challenged today).

The warning on the pet treat launcher shows you that is is pawsome! 

Thank you Phenny for your thoughtful and much appreciated gift! 


Friendly reminder that we have some fun beach events happening. Remember to submit your photos to help make this epic! More details can be found by visiting Arty's page HERE. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Lesson 11 - For Phenny

If your peeps are spending too much time on their devices, bring them a toy. It is important that they get exercised several times a day. 

Snow update: This is the yard from last night when the Lady got home kind of late. Even though it was over 20C/70F yesterday we still have a lot of snow. Will it all be melted by Yamini's day on the 16th? Stay tuned to find out! 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Remembering Dory

Our hearts broke a little yesterday when we learned that our friend Dory was called to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday after a short illness. It seems her big heart just wasn't strong enough for all the love. 

It is a reminder that with great love and friendship, comes great loss. 

We will join her family in remembering our smiling friend.

Run free sweet girl, run free. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Happy Birthday Marg

Today we join Blogville in wishing Marg a very Happy Birthday!