
Monday, March 6, 2017

Mischief Monday - Taking Myself For A Walk - by Lee

My snuggly face
This winter weather is really interfering with my routine. I really like a routine. Last week on Friday and Saturday and Sunday it was really, really cold in the morning.  It was colder than -25C/-13F. When it is that cold I can't go for a walk as it hurts my paws and I refuse to wear boots. (Lady says even if I would wear boots there are days it is too cold for my ears, nose etc.)

After a couple days of not getting enough walks, I get restless. Yesterday, it was really cold in the morning. Since it was Sunday, Lady spent the morning catching up on work and said she would take me for a walk when it warmed up. To be clear, by warm I mean -11C/12F - warm is relative when you are Canadian.

The Man was in charge of me while the Lady worked and because he was a little under the weather and didn't want to go out, he put me out in the yard by myself. To be clear, this isn't a usual thing because what happens is what happened yesterday - I took myself for a walk. The Man called and called, but I completely ignored him. He used his angry voice and I didn't care. I had been cooped up for a couple days and there were some really good smells out there.

I was safe dear friends. I didn't leave the property. I came to Man when he was on the road next to our yard. We walked back to the house.  He was mad. He wishes he could trust me (so does Lady). I wish it never got so cold so I could always go for a walk.

We had a nice but shorter walk later when Lady was done work. In the end I got 2 walks. It was a good day.



  1. Hehe, well done Lee...two walkies even with all that Brrrrr FREEZING weathers
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. you have the bestest ideas professor lee... and they always pay... I will write that idea in my bad idea catalog :O)

  3. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lee was this one of those times you pretended you didn't speak English?
    Thank goodness all ended well. You must have some sight hound in you that makes you have wanderlust.
    MOLMOL Thanks for the suggestion of pretending I don't speak English I will put that to good use
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. Oh Lee, I learned a long time ago it is not good to take yourself for a walk! No sirree bob. I am glad you are okay and did not get lost...that would've been terrible. I am so sorry it is so cold there that you cannot get out for a decent walk. I will try and send you some Florida sunshine to warm it up a bit.

  5. Hari om
    The pawfect mischief -just enough to get them going and not enough to get you grounded!!! Glad there was good endings here. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Good initiative there taking yourself for a short stroll. Paws crossed the weather will warm up a little bit so you can go for a bit longer walk with Lady or Man.

  7. I don't understand why the Man was so mad. You were just walking!

  8. I know about those times when you don't listen and come back into the house when you're supposed to. Especially when there are people walking around across the street, or the mail truck is going by, or some other doggie is barking on the other side of the neighborhood. Usually Dad's angry voice gets me inside, though. Luckily we have a big fenced yard so I can't get into any trouble or danger.

  9. Lee, mom was at PetSmart and she told me she saw a dog that reminded her so much of you except she was a he and he had 4 white feet. Mom said his coat was as shiny as yours! He was super happy because he was getting adopted. Hope warm weather finds you soon.

    Aroo to you,

  10. Oh Lee, it is so understandable that you took advantage of being outside. You were clearly suffering dreadfully from cabin fever. I think your peeps should be more understanding.
    Toodle pip!

  11. Short, multiple walks are best on those super cold days. Hoping it warms up for you soon, eh?

  12. We are so sorry you got the "angry voice" from your Man...but we totally get it Hailey, being cooped up is no fun at all!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  13. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Cousin Lee, I cannot imagine a day without a Walk in it! That sounds horrible! And then you had a bunch in a row??? Unbelievable! I have lived with my people for 1,369 days, and I have had 1,369 Walks. Or, well, some days I get two Walks, especially if we're in the snow. So I cannot imagine a day without a Walk! I think I would go CRAZY! So I totally understand why you had to break out of the house!!

  14. Well, we guess that is one way to get a walk. The Momster doesn't walk much when it is that cold either. Today her excuse was that it was too windy and she might get blown away:) We have very strong winds and are under the tornado threat for tonightL(

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  15. I love going for my walkies too, Hailey, but you gotta stay safe and not go by yourself!

  16. We're glad you were safe in the end but it isn't good to take yourself for a walk and scare the peeps.

  17. We are glad you are safe but understand the need to get out. I went out a little bit ago but I could sense the rumbleys coming from the sky soon, so I didn't want to pee. Mom stood in the window of the sun porch where the door is wearing this huge plush plaid bathrobe (Scottish birth control Dad calls it) and held up a bag of my favorite goodies to the window and shouted. "PEE, TREAT, PEE, TREAT!" I think the neighbors thought she was bonkers but I pee'd in the fenced yard while she watched and got my treat.

    Abby Lab

  18. Hummmm It's kind of scary for our pawrents when we take ourselves for walks. I've never been allowed to do that ever in my lifetime. We have coyotes here and they love peoples pets. I'm 5 years old now and have never walked off a leash in all my life. (Plus we have a farm with lots of room so you can imagine it's a bit of a drag) Glad you were safe and nothing serious happened. Two walks are pawsome!! I love my multiple walk days the best.

    Molly and my Mom @The Fast and The Furriest

  19. it is hard when the weather keeps you stuck inside. Glad you did not go too far
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. OMGoodness, L. Taking yourself for a walk can be scary for your parents! Plus it's not as much fun as walking with Lady or Man. Winter can't last forever - even in Canada. You'll back on your walk routine soon.

    Love and licks,

  21. You have s beautiful snuggly face Lee. I bet Lady and Man were very worried when you took yourself for a walk. I'm glad you were ok.


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