
Monday, February 20, 2017

Mischief Monday - Lady vs. Winter

Well last week the winter won. Lady was a big old cranky mess. She let us visit you all somedays but wasn't good at commenting. Winter, her sore ankle, the end of a cold, sucky work, the Big Guy back in the hospital (he is out again after 5 days) just made her a big old grump. We are hoping these winter blahs are behind her and we can move forward.

Trying to show how much snow is out front
Winter has not been easy here. It has not been as cold as many years, but as of February 16, 2017 - it was the forth snowiest to that date in history - only the winters of 1970/71, 2007/8 and 1886/7 had more snow. As of February 16 the major city near us (Ottawa) had 244 cm of snow. That is 96 inches or 8 feet. That is a crazy amount of snow. Of course it wasn't all on the ground. As of Saturday only about 72 cm/28 inches were on the ground and because the weekend has been well above 0 (like 10 C/50 F - a huge jump from Monday's -20C/-4F) it is melting. Saturday about 11 cm/4 inches disappeared. Now there is a lot of snow and slush.

There was so much snow on the roof, Lady and Man hired someone to shovel it off!

That is the mischief of this week. We are hoping for a better, happier week.

Phoddy digging for chuck in all the snow


  1. 8 foot of snow???WOW!!!!
    And all I get is 87 flakes....please send some over, I'm sure Royal Mail wouldn't mind
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. 8 ft? wow when all this snow melts than your main city is venice.... I hope there is no damage and no trouble... the mama dislikes winter totally, the only point mr. wwinter got from her was for wearing boots. but since we can wear boots the whole year winter is completely on her blacklist...

  3. You all sound so sad. Glad your Big Guy is now out of hospital and hoping he's on the mend and you are all keeping warm following your extra cold snap. Take care and here's to a better week.

  4. Oh my gosh, that's a LOT of snow. We haven't had any since December. We are usually covered with snow at this time of year. Very strange.

  5. Oh my piggy heavens! Look at all of that snow. WOW! Ya'll stay warm okay. XOXO - Bacon

  6. Wow! You even have us beat and we come from one of the snowiest places in the eastern US. Your snowfall so far is about equal to our seasonal total on average.

  7. Wow - so much snow! Sorry that things have been a bit grim for you all these past weeks. hope the Big Guy is on the road to recovery now and the sun comes back with warmer days to melt the snow. Sending hugs and nose licks from Moth xx

  8. Oh no Phod and Lee, Lady and Man!!
    We would be sobbing like angry babies if we had all that snow. We cannot imagine that much snow on the ground.

    We are so sorry Big Guy was back in the hospital but very happy he is home. Fingers crossed it was a blip in the recovery process and it is long gone
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. you are welcome to come and visit us in sunny warm Florida :)

  10. Wow wow We had 70's this weekend, weirdo weather for Iowa...we don't know what is going on......hope your snow melts soon and the sun shines. stella rose

  11. It is hard to imagine that much snow. On the west coast, we freak out at a couple of inches.

  12. Oh gosh, how on earth do you cope with so much snow? My city grinds to a halt if we get more than three inches...
    Gail and I do hope everything goes better for Lady this week, and the Big Guy's hospital stay goes smoothly.
    Toodle pip!

  13. We are hoping the Lady's ankle is back to its old self this week...and that crazy snow stops falling!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
    PeeEss..We are sending positive thoughts for the Big Guy too!!

  14. OK, that is a ridiculous amount of snow! 8 feet?!? We didn't even think that was possible. How do you handle it all? I am so glad the winter blahs are slowly easing up at your place.

  15. Yep, I think we're all about over Winter.

    Aroo to you,

  16. Bwahaahaa! Sorry for laughing, but we've had our hottest weather! Yesterday and today are 'sweatshirt' days (before the heat starts up again.) We are really enjoying it. Hope that's the end of the snow for this year.....and everyone gets over their health problems.

  17. Denver would happily take any leftovers or unused flakes so feel free to send them back if you like. It's supposed to be i the 60's today and close to 75 tomorrow for a new record. We're hoping winter comes at some point soon, otherwise summer will be most unpleasant with water restrictions.
    P.S. Hope this week is much better with no more hospital visits or sprained ankles. 😇

  18. Hari om
    Winter blues are okay to have from time to time... just don't let them becomd purple! YAMxx

  19. OMD!! 244cm of snow?? You're not that far from us in Toronto!! Stay and drive safe!!

    Momo & Pinot xo

  20. It's never a good sign when the roof has to be shoveled. That would grump anybody out. Hope you've all made it through OK, and that the weather (and the Big Guy) keep moving in the right direction.

    Love and licks,

  21. WE hope that the LADY is soon back in her Normal GOOD HUMOR. She must have a big case of Cabinet Fever.
    OMD with that much SNOW... who WOULDN'T be sick of Winter.
    TODAY is the FURST day that our yard is TOTALLY SNOW FREE... since 4 days after Christmas.
    WINTER is the WORST.

  22. I think that you got our snow along with yours! I'm so sorry about the Big Guy being back in the hospital and your mom's ouchy ankle. I hope that everything improves very soon.

  23. Crikey ..... no wonder everyone is grumpy but it sure looks pretty. Everyone is grumpy here too but not because it's cold. They are grumpy because it's hot. Me too. I don't even feel like running. You've had a really cold winter and we've had a really hot summer. We'll be glad to see the end of summer like you'll be glad to see the end of winter, aye??

  24. We have also had a lot of snow this year but not as much as you!- it is all gone in our yard now. Supposed to get some more later this week. ugh
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  25. We have had years Up North when we have had to make the trip to the cottage to shovel off the roof...fortunately not this year! It has actually been warmer than normal for us. So sorry to hear you have so much! It gets tiring after a while, doesn't it?

  26. Wow! That is a lot of snow! Our peeps would be grouchy too.

  27. Winter eventually brings out the worst in all of us...even when it seems to be going along good for a while, it always goes downhill! It seems other places might have liked a little of that snow. Old Man Winter can be mean and unfair!

  28. Ah! Shoveling the roof! Daddy had to do that in Midway this week! Mes happy that wes on the wet coast and that the weather has been nice for the last 2 weeks (however the weather guessers say that there might me flurries on Friday).

  29. Accckk That is an incredible amount of snow!!! And having to shovel the roof Geezz my family would never survive there. We're southerns to the core. (Plus I'm a short little sausage girl the snow is taller than I am. We think that kind of snow would make my Mom and Dad a little grumpy too. Hope you get some snow free days really soon.

    Molly and my Mom @ The Fast and The Furriest


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