
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Asian Adventure - Part 6

Answer to a question: Our trip took place on the Norwegian Star. While we had some technical difficulties and missed ports, it was nothing compared to the most recent Star cruise off of Australia. The second engine died and they had to be towed to shore. While we had technical problems, it was our 3rd Norwegian cruise and it won't be our last - in fact we have another one in November!


We spent New Year's Day in Pattaya Thailand. The Man kept forgetting the name of the place and called it Papaya. We lovingly call it Papaya now:)

Pattaya is a beach resort town. It became popular as a retreat for American soldiers during the Vietnam war. Today, it is known for clubs that cater to all tastes and the Lady Boy shows. As we were there during the day, we didn't see the Lady Boy shows, but the Man was invited into several massage establishments. It is the sort of town that gives Thailand its reputation. 
Post New Year's Eve Streets

A side street that may illustrate some of what Pattaya is known for and some crazy unsafe wiring

Our interest in Pattaya was true relaxation. We spent several hours sitting under an umbrella (you can rent them for about $1 US per day). We were amused by the locals who found it cold but went swimming in jeans. 

While I didn't go swimming, I did take the opportunity to stand in the Gulf of Thailand.

I also played a little in the sand.

We were greatly amused by the sellers on the beach. Of course their was food like meat and ice cream. There were sand toys. There were clothing. There were bobble head dogs, and my very favourite, toilet paper. 
One of the sellers

I have never seen so many para-sailers in my life

After a few hours on the beach, we had lunch and walked around a high end mall before heading back to the ship.

While many things are different in South-East Asia, we see things that are very familiar:

Next week we have a short visit to Singapore (short as I lost most of my pictures from there) as we end our Asian Adventure. 


  1. Thank you for sharing those photos of your travels. Pattaya looks too busy for our liking but the sea looks very beautiful:-) Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  2. Wow, very touristy huh? You didn't go parasailing? Mom likes to watch them. Not too many electricians working there, eh?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Hmm. Interesting but I don't think Gail will be heading there any time soon.
    Toodle pip!

  4. Love travelling. SHE went to Norway and was disappointed to find Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Texas steak house....couldn't find any Norwegian food.

  5. Oh my word thank goodness it doesn't sleet or snow there...that mess of overhead cables and wires would never stand up under ice and snow. Love the beach scenes
    Hugs madi and mom
    PS Inquiring (nosey) minds want to know where are you going in November

  6. Another interesting installment on your Asian trip. Our mom, being an electrical engineer, is most aghast at the wiring in that third picture and almost didn't notice the "other" stuff in the picture.

  7. We love seeing the pictures of your fun trip! Thank you!

  8. Crusing is a fun way to see lots of sights relatively safely. Your pics made me smile. That electrical nightmare looked a lot like Athens and you're just grateful to not be anywhere near that cluster on a day with thunderstorms! ⚡️

  9. What an incredibly different world. The beach seems like a wonderful place to have welcomed 2017! I love the photo with the guy carrying stuff on two ends of a pole at the beach. Very cool.

  10. KB Bear said it was an incredibly different world and I must agree. Very pretty!


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