
Monday, January 23, 2017

Mischief Monday - The Almost Fire

On Friday night before heading to bed, the Man was in the kitchen and noticed something very dangerous. It appears while standing up to lick the stove, Hailey managed to turn on a burner.

A cookie sheet that didn't fit in the dishwasher was on the stove. To be honest, this is likely what she was licking.  It was damaged and in the spring will go outside under the BBQ. We are just glad she didn't start a fire. She has no remorse and continues to counter surf (while preparing this post I had to tell her to stop!)


  1. Yikes! That is scary! We are very glad that no dogs or humans were injured!! Happy Monday to you!

  2. oooh I'm so glad you could avoid a fire.... your man was the guardian angel on duty this time...I had to lock my stove because of the wild counter surfer... I needed 25 minutes today to remember how to unlock the darned beast... butt better safe than sorry, right? Like in that song by john parr: st. almost fire...;o)

  3. Oh my word thank goodness all are well. Fire is one of mom's biggest fears!
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  4. Phew wee so glad all is safe and well in your household. Were any cookies enjoyed from the tray or is that wishful thinking on my part?

  5. Oh no! That was totally scary! I'm glad your dad found the pan before going to bed. XOXO - Bacon

  6. Hailey, I'd never tell ANYDOG to stop counter surfing. But maybe stick to counters and not the stove, okay?

  7. Scary! Our family dog Rocky the Boxer mix puppy (who we rehomed in October, not due to this problem though!) would never turn on the burner, but just the gas on the stove. Once we had to leave the house and wait for someone to check it out because Rocky turned on the gas and it was on for a long time!

  8. Oh my dawg! You would have been in big trouble
    Lily & Edward

  9. We are so glad your dad saw that!!!! We have had smoke from moms cooking before and that was no fun!! stella rose

  10. HAILEY.... what were you thinking... that thingy got BLAZING HOT... you could have burned your TONGUE on it... We don't suppose you get to see the TV Commercial fur the Insurance Company .. where the Dog jumps up and turns on the Stove... while snagging a slice of PIZZA... butt that guy caused his crib to BURN DOWN...
    We are glad that the Tray will be REPURPOSED fur the GRILL. THAT is good thinking.
    NOW... stay away from the STOVE!!!!!

  11. Oh boy, how scary would that have been! I know it's been cold out but a house fire is NOT the way to warm up! It was very good that the Man found it before bad things could happen.

  12. Uh oh, soooo pleased you found that Dad before anythingy nasty could happen
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  13. Yikes! That is scary stuff! Thank doG the Man noticed!

  14. Oh Lee, you've got to be careful. Once Shit jumped up on the stove top and burned her foot. So watch where you place your paws!

    Aroo to you,

  15. No no no! Hailey, never fool around with the stove!

  16. They always come up with something new. We're too short to reach stuff. But that is VERY DANGEROUS! Glad it was noticed before there was a real DISASTER!

  17. Oh wow I like to counter surf sometimes too so I will have to be careful not to catch our kitchen on fire.

    Matt (& Matilda)

  18. OMD! She must be trying to be a feature on the Farmer's Insurance commercials. ☺

  19. Whew, we're so glad you caught it! Mama is lucky we're so small!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  20. OMD! Glad the Man realized what was happening!
    MR Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  21. Our first thought was the same Farmers Insurance commercial. Here is a link in case you've never seen it.

    Please don't burn down your house Hailey.

  22. 3 bum swings! 3 more!
    Oh My Dog!
    Food driven as I am, I haven't tried counter surfing but have been known for sniffing the waters if you know what I mean ;)
    Please don't burn down your house. We lost our home last April to a fire that started at the neighbours. Scary stuff.

    Nose nudges,
    CEO Olivia

  23. We are so glad everyone is safe~ My grandpa let an elderly friend cook something for him and set the kitchen on fire. The smoke damage required the whole house to be repainted, and refloored. Boy that was a mess for my Mom to fix. Glad you're OK.

    Abby Lab

  24. Oh yikes! That is so scary! That's one benefit of having small dogs. ;)

  25. Yep, Counter surfing is dangerous!
    to All

  26. OMGoodness, H!!! That is the naughtiest of bad behavior. Your parents may have to take the knobs off the stove. This was a decorating tip Mom used when her old dog decided those knobs were toys and would pull them off and run around the house with them. Be careful!!

    Love and licks,

  27. Holy cow! You guys could have been the next Farmer's Insurance Hall of Claims commercial!

  28. That is scary. I worry about Luke doing it because he's a counter surfer too. So far he's stayed away from the stove (knock wood), and I try to remember not to leave pans on there. My nephew's dog did the same, and luckily he didn't have a fire either.


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