
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Lesson Three - For Phenny - by Lee

Today, I Professor Lee will share more of my life lessons with my dear friend Phenny.

Lesson Three:

Take the face off first when deading a toy so it can't scream. I have also found if you are super fast in your hunting the squirrel, mouse or groundhog can't make a sound. 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Mischief Monday - Recycling

Look at the picture above. You will see the old milk container that holds the dogs' food. Beside it is the recycling bin. As you can see there are some papers hanging out, so it clearly needs to be emptied. On Saturday night, the Man and Lady went out. When they got home they found items from this recycling bin:

In one of the dog beds,

Items have been removed, so you have to imagine it
and by the front door.

Hailey, do you know how this stuff got here?

Lee: Even squirrels broke in and framed us.

Phod, is this what happened?

Phod: Just because I look completely guilty, doesn't mean that Lee's story isn't true . . .

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Asian Adventure - Part 3

We finish our visit to Vietnam with a visit to Ho Chi Min City (Saigon). 

This is the grand palace. Inside it is stuck in the 60s as far as design goes. I overheard a visitor saying it wasn't old enough because it was built post war. I think this person needs to go back to his history book and see the damage done during the war . . . It is a cold war relic with the bomb shelter below to prove it!

This was one of the pieces of "art"/gifts inside. Animal rights have a long way to go, but after seeing this, we can agree we have come a long way!

We stopped at a lacquer workshop. It was cool to see them making the pieces and we did purchase a piece for our art collection. (Our walls are decorated with pieces we love from our trips). 

Our piece - it is straight just not in this picture, surrounded by things from Japan 

This is the post office that was designed by a very famous architect - Mr. Eiffel.

This was my favourite Buddha from the entire trip.

This is how the bikes were parked outside a market - Crazy! Vietnam has 90 million people and 45 million bikes/scooters.

Slums in the city. 

Come back next week when we take a break from sight seeing and talk about living on a boat for 14 days!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Did You Know? By Phod

Dear Blogville Pals,

I have some news to share with you.

First, as you know, I am a bit of a shy guy and a momma's boy, so when I heard about the upcoming K-oss dance, I wasn't sure I was going to get a date. Hailey and Casey are going as friends as they are both recovering from broken hearts. I was talking to my good pals Murphy and Stanley and they said they would act as my wingmen. They helped me set up a date with the beautiful  Mazie from I know we are going to have a great time.

Also, in case you missed it Louis organized an amazing Endangered Species Challenge. You can click HERE to learn about a lot of really cool endangered species, include Lee's entry about the Blue Iguana.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thank You Thursday - Thanks Phenny

Today's thank you goes out to Da Phenny, Angel Easy's brother, and his peeps. He sent a special gift all the way from France for us. Again, the original pictures of us opening the gift have been lost due to a memory card malfunction. So here we are dramatically recreating the gifts.

First up, showing he has taste, Phenny sent us some treats. This is one of the packages (we may or may not have eaten the other before realizing the pictures were lost!)


I would like some too please. 

We also got 2 really cool toys.

There was a, as our human cousin would say 'this':

and a duck. 

Because we know how special they are having come all the way from France, they are still more or less in one piece. There was also something else, but we are gonna save that for another day in the spring maybe.

Thank you Phenny and peeps for such lovely gifts. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Lesson One and Two - For Phenny by Lee

Welcome to a new feature, where I, Hailey Bug, aka Lee, will try and in part my life long lessons (I do have 7 years of experience) to my angel Easy's bro Da Phenny.

This is actually two lessons.

Lesson one - you can scare the poop out of your people if you get them to put bedding that matches your fur on the bed. They don't see you cause you are camouflaged and you startle them. Totally worth waiting for hours for them to come into the room. 

Can you see me? No - my job is done

Lesson Two: People love it when you destroy toys and leave fluff all over the bed. It is really the best place to dead something. They love having to clean it up before they sleep. The more toys you can pile on the better. 

Hope you found this helpful Phenny! 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Mischief Monday - The Almost Fire

On Friday night before heading to bed, the Man was in the kitchen and noticed something very dangerous. It appears while standing up to lick the stove, Hailey managed to turn on a burner.

A cookie sheet that didn't fit in the dishwasher was on the stove. To be honest, this is likely what she was licking.  It was damaged and in the spring will go outside under the BBQ. We are just glad she didn't start a fire. She has no remorse and continues to counter surf (while preparing this post I had to tell her to stop!)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Black and White Sunday - Back To Himself

Last Monday, I reported my Phod had not been 100% himself. This week things changed. I think the secret to the change was this:

Yep, a new chuck arrived on Monday to keep our boy happy.

It replaces the following former discs. 

Yes this was once a disc
We the mild temperatures and new disc, Phod is back to himself. I think he was missing fetch as much as he was missing us. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Asian Adventure - Part 2

Today we are visiting Vietnam. We had 3 days here. We spent a day in Hue, a day in Laem Chabang and on in Ho Chi Min City (Saigon). I have to say, Vietnam is not the favourite place I ever visited. I found it very dirty, there was garbage everywhere (I didn't capture it on film). I found the people trying to sell things very pushy too. While I think it is very important for us "First Worlders" to truly see how others live, now that I have seen it, I don't feel the need to see it again.

Today we will talk about the Hue region. 

The following pictures are from the Citadel and Forbidden Purple City. Hue was the capital from 1802-1945.  They are working to restore a lot of it. 

I love this picture because of the 2 ladies in the background

We also visited an Asian market. If you have never visited one and have the chance, it is an experience. (But once you have been to one, you have been to them all!)

I can't imagine buying street meat! 

 We also visited the country side in Laem Chabang.  The cattle and water buffalo sometimes roamed free, sometimes were on strings.

Each square is a different persons farm. This will be rice

Different bike safety standards

Our bus once had to stop for goats crossing the road.

We saw many water buffalo, which was a dream of mine!

One of the favourite things we did was stop by a rubber plantation when they were cutting the trees. If you look to the back on the right you will see a woman with a head light making a cut. If you look closely at this tree you can see where she cut.

This is what rubber looks like when it first comes out of the tree. The farmers will collect the sap in the morning. It is amazing that white sticky stuff can become tires!