
Monday, December 19, 2016

Seasons Greetings

Dearest Blogville Friends,

As you may have noticed, we have been a bit neglectful in our visiting. You see,Lady has been insanely busy the past few weeks getting ready for an upcoming adventure. As she works for herself, doesn't get paid when she doesn't work and no one does her work when she doesn't work, she has been working way to much so she can guilt free take some adventure time. She was also a little behind before this month started because she went to visit the Big Guy (who is at home and getting a little better every day - we again thank you for all your POTP during this difficult time).

We are going completely offline for several weeks starting today. We will be back in the New Year and we are confident once we all settle back to the routine (so likely mid-January), you will be seeing more of us again. We miss you all.

Before we leave, we wanted to send you all our warmest holiday wishes! We know 2016 has been a challenging year for many (us included -  Lady said it was one of the worst years of her life and she is kind of old) and we hope in spite of the challenges, you can all find a little peace and love over the holidays. We send our warmest regards for a joy filled and health 2017!

Until 2017 - be safe, be happy and know you are in our hearts.

Hailey, Zaphod, The Lady and The Man


  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you. May 2017 be a brighter year for you all.

  2. Hari OM
    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL ... have a safe and happy adventure and we look forward to hearing all about it... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I wish you a wonderful christmas and I will wait for you and the new year and then Iwill jump with joy to read about your christmas-adventures....

  4. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a much happier New Year

  5. Have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a happy 2017 - Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  6. Happy howlidays, Lee and Phod and your humans!

  7. We'll miss you! Enjoy all your adventures!

  8. Safe travels to Lady and Man. We know they are going somewhere fabulous.
    You two enjoy you vacation from the flashy beast
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Aroo to you,

  10. Happy Christmas and all the best for 2017.
    Enjoy your blogging break and all the adventures it contains.
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (and Gail).

  11. Enjoy your break! We hope 2017 is less hectic.

  12. Merry Christmas to you all,and may your 2017 be so much Brighter,xx Speedy

  13. May you and your pawrents enjoy a peaceful and restful howliday season. See ya next year for more happy times! ღ

  14. May you all have a blessed and relaxing holiday! We will see you on the other side of January but we will think of you every day!

  15. Merry Christmas friends. See you soon
    Not Naughty,
    Lily & Edward

  16. We're very, very glad the Big Guy is getting better! We all hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  17. We hope you all have a great adventure and a happy holiday season. That is great news about the Big Guy. We will keep our paws crossed for continued recovery.

  18. Merry Christmas to all of you and we pray that 2017 is a much happier year!

  19. That was good news to hear the Big Guy is home and improving. have a wonderful trip - see you next year!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. We hope the Big Guy continues to improve AND that the Mom and Dad have a very good time on their special adventure. Happy Holidays and we will be here when you get back - ENJOY!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  21. You look adorable! Merry Christmas! Hurry back.

  22. Merry Christmas and I hope 2017 is a very good year!

  23. Dear Furends...
    Please have the Mostest MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happiest NEW YEAR Ever to be...
    We understand the need to Do thingys fur the PEEPS... NOW AND THEN... Take the time you need.. enjoy the time with the BIG GUY... Tell him "HELLO" from US.
    Stay SAFE and WARM and Enjoy your Holidays..

  24. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Adventures, friends! See you soon.

    Love and licks,

  25. Have a wonderful holiday adventure! We'll miss you, but totally understand the need to get away from it all sometimes. Sending you love and wishes for a most magical 2017!
    Grr and Woof,

  26. Have a wonderful vacation!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  27. We hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season and a GREAT ADVENTURE. Take care and we look forward to seeing you when you come back.

  28. Dear Friends..........we hope you have a wonderful holiday and we'll be seeing you in the new year. It has been a not very happy 2016 for many of us.....we'll hope for a better one. Hope THE BIG GUY continues to recover well, and that The Lady and The Man and both of you pups get EVERYTHING your hearts desire from Santa!

    Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy and Mom

  29. Happy Everything and we will see you in 2017! Oh, and we hope they fixed the boat!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  30. We wish you a very Merry Christmas...and a Happy 2017! Let's hope it's a good year for everybuddy!

  31. Aw, we're going to miss you guys! We hope you have very Happy Holidays and we'll see you in 2017. We sure hope it's a better year for everyone!

  32. Sending you the bestest of all wishes for a great Christmas sweet friends. Take care and be warm. XOXO - Bacon

  33. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Those are all very good favourites! Except for Brussels Sprouts. I do not like Brussels Sprouts. (Unless they have cheese on them!)

  34. Happy Holidays to you too! I hope that everything settles down by 2017 for you. Sending lots of warm wishes to all of you!

  35. Wow those are great Christmas outfits. Did your peeps give you extra treats for posing so nicely? Merry Christmas.

  36. I agree, it's been an awful year. We look forward to hearing about your adventure in the new year.

  37. I agree, it's been an awful year. We look forward to hearing about your adventure in the new year.

  38. Lovely hats you two have there! Heheh very cute pictures. Hope your Holidays went well! :)
    Take care,


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