
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Big Guy Update

My Dad (whose beard has been removed because it was
medically necessary) and Maggie
First, thank you to everyone in Blogville for your kind words and support during my father's illness. Blogville is truly a wonderful place.

People have been asking questions about my dad aka the Big Guy and I thought since it is 2 weeks since he survived an abdominal aorta aneurysm, it was a good time for an update. There has been a number of ups and downs in the past 2 weeks (and we know this will continue). He has had pneumonia (which he may have had before this), and his heart has done some crazy dancing and needed to be shocked back to a regular rhythm. There have been a few other things, but he is continuing to take baby steps forward. His doctor says there is an 80% chance he will be barbecuing next summer.

At best he has a very long road to recovery with weeks/months more of hospital care. It is a time we are blessed to have our imperfect Canadian health care system. My father's care is free and will continue as long as he needs it. We don't have to worry about what is and isn't covered by an insurance plan.

Thank you again for all your POTP, my family can feel all your love and support. If you could send just a little more, we would greatly appreciate it.


  1. Sending you lots of POTP Big Guy
    And warm luffs and hugs to you Lady
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. hugs and potp to your Big Guy... and we are with the dogtor and wish him the bestest and biggest BBQ next summer. the mama wrote him a card, hope it makes the way to catnada within some days. she sadly used the common la poste instead to use one of my tunnels :o)

  3. Glad he is better and prayers for continued recovery, also condolences for his losing his beard, I know my husband would really hate to lose his..

  4. Thanks for the update. We will continue to pray for the Big Guy. Can you give him some hogs and sloppy snout kisses for me? XOXO - Bacon

  5. Give your Dad lot's of Doxie kisses from Muffin and me please. We're saying many prayers.

    Lily Belle

  6. We're sending lots of prayers and warm Florida sunshine for a quick and complete recovery for your Dad.

    PeeS......Thank you so much for all the hard work on the Christmas Card List.

  7. Hari OM
    You got it... well, Big Guy's got it, but there's a bit for you too!!! What a shame to have lost his Santa-locks though! Small price... huggies, YAM xx

  8. We're glad to hear the Big Guy is doing better and are keeping our paws crossed for him. We also want to send you and your family big hugs to help you through this difficult time.

  9. Glad Big Guy is doing better ♥

  10. Sending lots of healing vibes your way
    Lily & Edward

  11. An aortic aneurysm is not an easy thing to recover from. But we're glad to hear he's doing better. Will keep sending lots of POTP.

  12. Thanks for the update and we are sending all your family strength to help you through what will no doubt be a challenging time ahead.
    My family too has had cause these past few years to be grateful for a free healthcare system (albeit an imperfect one).

  13. Thanks for the update, and we are continuing so send POTP and pawsitive thoughts the Big Guy's way!!
    Smiley Hugs!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  14. Barbecuing next summer. We'll focus on that. We can almost smell those steaks. We'll continue the POTP!

  15. We hope the future only holds ups and few, if any, downs. POTP continuing as long as you and he need it.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  16. Bad enough having the aneurysm, but having to lose the beard? Wow... I'm relieved for you that he's doing all right after what must have been a scary situation, and will continue to pray for him throughout his recovery and rehab.

  17. WE are sending Our POTP and Dachshund VIBES>>>>>>>>>> to the Big Guy. We want some of that BBQ that he will be cookering up. Just Sayin.
    We have heard about your Insurance System... NOTHING Bad... ALL GOOD... and that is a wonderful thing for those who need to use it. There is ENOUGH to worry about...withOUT having to consider the Cost.

  18. It sounds like your dad is doing much better. We continue to send lots of AireZen and POTP!

  19. Thanks for the update. Prayers and a strong feeling he is going to be BBQing next summer. ~Amy

  20. We send the Big Guy a ton of purrs for a full recovery.

  21. So sorry that we didn't send good wishes sooner! Glad the Big Guy is getting better, however slowly.

  22. Saying prayers.

    Aroo to you,
    Sully and Robin

  23. We will keep the POTP coming for your dad's continued improvement
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  24. I hope he keeps getting better!!

    Love and kisses from the Dz Dogs!

  25. Glad that Big Guy is better now.

  26. We are glad to hear that your dad is feeling better. Sending along prayers and hugs for continued recovery!

  27. Great update! You had me at barbecuing. Continued prayers for the Big Guy and his doctors and nurses.

    Love and licks,

  28. Great to hear your dad is improving. Always a good thing when the health care is free too! Thinking of you all - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  29. My mom suffered the exact same thing last October, was given 48 hours and sent off to hospice to live her last days. Sadly, she flunked out of hospice and while not totally out of the woods a year later, and has good and bad days, we are so ever grateful she's still with us. 'Pawsitive' thoughts on your Dad's recovery.


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