
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Helping A Wonderful Cause

Lady has mentioned her new favourite charity here before, Safe Pet Ottawa. This charity provides foster homes for pets for women fleeing domestic abuse. On the weekend, Lady and Man went to the inaugural Safe Pet Masquerade Ball. Lady heard about this because one of her coworkers is a member of the Safe Pet Board.

We were left home alone for hours, in the wind. We were very good and the house was fine when our people came back.  We would like to be annoyed with them, but they brought home a basket of goodies for us. They bought it in the silent auction. We even got a treat right away, in the middle of the night.  That never happens.

The first wonderful treats, little cupcakes, with paper
While we don't like to be left alone, we are glad our people were able to help out such a wonderful cause.


  1. that was very nice of you to let your people go to that event... and it#s great that you all have a heart for our friends in need... btw: are that whimzee's in that bag?

  2. At least you pups had something when your peeps got's not like they just abandoned you! :)

  3. Yes, I think you were right not to be mad at Lady and Man for leaving you along on this particular occasion. Just make sure they don't make a habit of it.
    Toodle pip!

  4. We guess it was okay for your pawrents to go out as long as they brought that basket of goodies home. It sounds like a very worthy cause.

  5. What an important event. Victims are often afraid to leave for fear of what will happen to their fur friends since most shelters won't take pets. This is an important mission that allows victims to have option for reunification.

  6. What a wonderful cause. So good that your pawrents are supporting it and even though you were alone for a little while Inguess the treats made up for it. That basket of goodies looks yummy! Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  7. We need more Safe Pet Ottawa's, I don't think people understand no one wants to leave their pets behind. Mom had a lady on probation and she was ugly mean she chopped the family pets head off to hurt her family. Don't worry the lady ended up in prison where she belonged.

    Aroo to you,

  8. Now let's open the goodie box
    Lily and Edward

  9. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh your peeps look so nice and festive for the most wonderful event.
    Best part was treats and we are so glad you two took such good care of the house
    Hugs madi and mom

  10. What a grreat cause, and a FUN way to raise money for it! More and more shelters are allowing dogs, because people are starting to realize what dangers the family pets face in domestic violence situations. Texas recently expanded protective orders to protect the pets too!

  11. Wow, your peeps must have felt awfully guilty to give you a treat in the middle of the night...for no reason! BOL!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. It is good to get annoyed at your prents when they go out but if they bring treats home they are easily forgiven.

  13. Yes, a very worthy cause indeed! We are glad you got treats, it is only right.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Some things are worth letting your peeps go out without you!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  15. Your Peeps look great for a great event!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. What a fun event for such a good cause. We're glad your humans brought you home some treats, too.

  17. That's a great cause. And the fact you got treats....BONUS!

  18. WoooooHooooo!!!!! Gives your peeps a big slobbery kiss from me for helpin' a most FABulous cause!!! Oh, and if you have anymore of those paper-wrapped pupcakes, I'll take two...hey, I'm on a diet and REALLY hungry....☺
    Ruby ♥

  19. I really love this cause and applaud all those Like "The Lady & Man" who supported the event and helped to make the evening a success!! It has great benefits for all those with 2 and 4 legs, that YOU all got to enjoy too!

  20. This is a GREAT cause and one I wish we had around here!! Someone very close to me is going through a very, very difficult time right now and this type of assistance is so greatly needed. Congrats to the Lady and Man who support this event!


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