
Monday, September 12, 2016

We Will Return

Lady has the craziest week ever with life and mostly work. She has to get up at 4:30 am some days to make sure we get a good walk. She is leaving the house around 6 am and won't be home until after 6:30 pm. After this really crazy week, things should go back to closer to normal. Because we won't be able to visit all our pals the way we want (we will do our best to check in), we aren't going to post this week.

Don't worry, it is just a week. We promise we will continue to have great adventures (like barking at the wind at 2:45 am) so we have lots of cool stuff to talk about.

See you in a week!


  1. I will miss you all!!!!!
    Hope the week goes well for Mom
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Have a good week, I will MIIIIIIISSS ya... and I put your picture on my desk to see ya efurry day anayway :o)

  3. Hari OM
    Well done for letting Lady off the hook on the blogging - looks like she has PLENTY to keep her busy. Love that shadow shot... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. you will be glad when it is over but hopefully it will be a good feeling by the end of the week

  5. Oh dear...I sure hope your mom makes it through her crazy busy week in one piece. Have fun without her so you can tell us all about it when you come back!

  6. OH Phod and Hailey tell Lady to pace herself and not forget to eat and get proper rest.
    We'll be here when the crazies are gone.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. Have a great week and we hope you can help your mom relax after her busy week.

  8. Make sure you take Lady on plenty of walks to calm her down. It's ESSENTIAL.

  9. You better give her extra licks
    Lily & Edward

  10. Happy break..make sure your Mama makes it up to you in snuggles and treats!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  11. Ya'll take care of each other okay - and take care of your mommy. We will be thinking of you for sure! Send me an SOS if you need me... XOXO - Bacon

  12. Yipes! Tell Mom not to work too hard!

  13. We will miss you until you come back but we understand. Mom is using two precious vacation days (almost all of them are used to travel to and care for her Dad) to work on her third book as with all the construction on the new back landing and stairs, she's not been able to write other than blog posts for six weeks and she wants the book published by Spring.

    Abby Lab

  14. Oh yes....when Mom was working she had weeks like that so we TOTALLY understand.....we'll miss you but will see you "when we see you" !!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  15. Make sure Lady gets lots of attention when she comes home in the evenings......couch cuddles might be just the thing.

  16. See you back here soon!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. I'll be waiting right here for y'alls return.

    Aroo to you,

  18. Hope things go well for you - see you soon!

  19. OK, we won't worry when we don't hear from yous! Make sure she takes you for your walkies!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. Well, as long as you get walks, that is the important thing! Blog posts can wait. Happy early walks - the world is amazing at that time! - and we hope your person does not burn out! Be nice to her, not too much mischief, okay?

  21. I sure hope that your mom endures this week. We'll be waiting to see you again!!!

  22. Oh, that is way too early to have to get up. Hope things calm down soon - including the wind in the night! :) We'll see you when you get back!

  23. Oh WOW!! YOur mom is much more committed to your walking that mine!! We will see you when you get back!!


  24. Have a great week, and tell your Lady not to work too hard if she can help it!

  25. Tell your lady to look after herself. Have a great week, Hailey and Phod!!

    Momo & Pinot


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