
Monday, August 8, 2016

Mischief Monday - Shredding

Hailey had a rough week and had us up every night in the middle of the night. The first night it was because there were actually fireworks at 1:30 am (which went on for like 20 minutes, insert HBO words here - stupid city-its). But the other nights there was no clear reason for us. I said to our vet "if we wanted to be up in the middle of the night, we would have had children." He laughed (I nannied his now adult children for like 8 years).

Our destruction this week was:

One of her beds in our closet

The sheets on our bed. This happened while we were out at our anniversary dinner. We aren't sure if she did this trying to bury the chicken foot we gave her or because she was stressed. I am going to have to see if I can fix them . . . . 

We also noted a new behaviour. When stressed Hailey is trying to "bury" things. In the closet she was taking things from the garbage or the laundry and pushing them obsessively with her head and paws.

We spoke to our vet and have decided to give meds another go. I think being medicated June-October may be how Hailey has to live as long as we live in cottage country (which we plan to do for at least another 20 years, so the rest of her life). She did amazing on them last summer and we only took her off because we don't like the possibility of long term health problems associated with long term use.  Because she faces her fear almost every night for at least 3 months (we live in cottage country so there are fireworks almost every night, if not it is usually because there is too much wind or thunder - her 3 main fears), we can't just do an occasional use pill. As I am preparing the post, it is windy. The windows are open as we have no a/c. She is pacing and whining and not happy. At 8 pm, she will go to her fortress in our basement bathroom and if we do take her out, will be so scared she will refuse to pee. So to help her with all of this, we will try her meds. We have about 2 weeks of a lower than she was on dosage of her pills left (it was when we were fading her off). We are going to start with that. If that is helpful, we will keep her on the lower dosage. If not, we will increase it.

It makes me sad that we can't help her with this in another way. But it also makes me sad to see her so stressed. While the Man and I love her, we can't give up hours of sleep a night because she thinks it would be safer to be outside at 4 am . . . . In the long term that is going to cost us our patience.

Let's hope her puppy prozac works.


  1. wow Lee was there a pea under your bed and you tried to find it? I do that too, when I'm nervous or stressed I try to "bury" things and I even start to "dig" on carpets or beds... I had a wild night too... but not because of me it was because of the staff who ate warm plum cake last night...that was hard not to laugh, I tell ya...

  2. Oh dear....well, if the meds worked before then hopefully that will take care of things again. I know long-term use of things isn't what we WANT for our pets but sometimes to give them peace and less stress they just HAVE to be on medication. Sammy and I send her (and you!) a hug!

    Pam and Sam

  3. Oh poor dear Hailey, sending you lots of hugs sweetie, its no funs being frightened of thingys
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Hari om
    it is always desirable to manage things unmedicated... but there is a place for these things and I think you are correct; for Hailey, this does seem to be the option which will bring the balance all round. Blessings and POTP for the process... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. We all know you didn't do it, just happened to be near it when it exploded! BOL!

  6. I hope the puppy prozac works for Hailey. I know it must be so frustrating and stressful for you not to be able to help calm her stress.

  7. I don't know why those silly humans set off boomers all the darned time! I hope that the meds give Hailey some relief.

  8. Poor Hailey! We're lucky we live far enough away from the city that we don't hear all the fireworks that go off at some of the many summer festivals. We hope the medicine works for Hailey.

  9. We think aliens made that mess! It wasn't Hailey.

  10. Ohhh sweet Hailey we are so sorry but we for sure think Quality of life in the here and now is what is best for you. Being scared is no fun
    Hugs madi your bfff

  11. I so feel for you, Hailey. I found a new place to hide during thunder storms and fireworks - in the showerstall behind the shower curtain! Maybe hiding here can help you out. We're crossing our paws that it does!

  12. It would be so nice if we could get into their heads and find the reason for the stress and expel all anxiety.

  13. I want Hailey to teach me how to get stuff out of the garbage. I've been trying to do that all my life! Maybe I am just too little. Anypaw, good luck Hailey with the puppy prozac. I hope it helps you have peace!
    Your furriend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  14. I want Hailey to teach me how to get stuff out of the garbage. I've been trying to do that all my life! Maybe I am just too little. Anypaw, good luck Hailey with the puppy prozac. I hope it helps you have peace!
    Your furriend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  15. those are some unusual behaviors

  16. We sure hope the med helps that sweet girl, we have done some of those behaviors ourselves, but usually because of one event, like storms, or fireworks, we feel bad you have so many fireworks...geeze. stella rose

  17. Oh, H. I hope the lower dose of medicine works. Maybe you will eventually grow out of your fears. At least your mom has a plan for you. Paws crossed that you all get some peaceful, happy sleep real soon.

    Love and licks,

  18. Paws crossed. Poor girl, so frightened...

  19. Just wondering if you have tried the Thunder Shirt on Hailey...

  20. Poor baby! And poor you too! That's a tough situation, I can understand both sides of what you're going through. I do hope the lower dosage helps; we're keeping our fingers and paws crossed for you.

  21. Well you sure tried everything else so might as well give her what actually makes her life more enjoyable! We wish all fireworks were illegal. We aren't scared of them butt many furends are.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. Poor Hailey! Ciara understands too well the powers of stress. If the lower dose of meds works, go for it. Better to control that stress. Hope all goes well for her.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  23. We have our paws crossed that Hailey (and the humans) will get some relief with the meds.

  24. In the end, all of your sanity is what is more important. Bree is horrible with the firework and thunder/lightning too. Luckily they have both died down these last few weeks. I was contemplating medication last month too it her anxiety had gotten so bad.

  25. You have to do what keeps Hailey AND you less stressed. Here is to hoping the lower dose does the trick
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  26. Dear Ojo's Cousin Lee,

    That sounds very stressful. I hope the medications help!


  27. We're hopeful that the meds work. I've heard that Thundershirts can provide some relief But I am curious why there are so many fireworks going off in cottage country?

  28. Poor Hailey...I hope the meds keep her more relaxed during the fireworks months...

  29. Poor Hailey! Shiver is an anxious boy but fortunately he doesn't seem to mind fireworks. I hope this works for you and for her.

  30. Poor Hailey! We hope everything is OK and that the meds work.


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