
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary

I don't talk about my job much here, but today I am going to say a little because it led me to one of my new favourite places. I work with individuals with autism. My job is to supervise programs based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). I am currently working with a young man who we are transitioning from the school system to the adult world. While this young man may never have paid employment, I do believe he can contribute to society.  One of his support workers, came up with this awesome place for him to volunteer.  The place the she found was Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary.

This sanctuary takes in a host of unwanted animals and when possible finds them loving homes, and when not, provides them loving homes. 

I had the pleasure of accompanying my team there to see how it worked etc. etc. (If anyone I work with is reading this, it was a really tough shift, it was hard!). Our jobs for the day were to help water the pigs and then to sweep out stalls. (Yes, I helped do this, this princess can do hard work). The people working/volunteering there were wonderful with my client and as wonderful with all the animals. It is a place that you feel the love and respect. After our work was done, we had some time to go around and feed the animals. I took some pictures (I only had my phone as I was actually working), so they aren't the best quality, but they give you an idea.

There are llamas,

chickens, roosters, ducks, geese, 

a buffalo named Dakota,


more llamas,

I love the colour of this one
dogs, this one Sasha is Phod's twin,


biggest pig I ever saw


This one kept chasing the others off for the carrots


a deer,


and not pictured, cows and rabbits and I am sure I am missing something. I fell in love and I am excited that I will get to go probably once a month at least through to Christmas (and maybe past) as my client will be volunteering there 2 mornings a week. I think it is an amazing way, for a young man who loves, loves, loves animals, to contribute to society. 


  1. Hari OM
    It is, it is!!! ... and this is one of those rewards that care-professionals such as yourself deserve! Huggies, YAM xx

  2. it absolutely is... and I wish I could go to such a place once per week to help out there...the llamas are so great, I always wanted one, no idea why, just because they rock somehow :o)

  3. So cool. Mom always wanted to visit an animal sanctuary
    Lily & Edward

  4. Those are pawsome animals! I especially like the bison.

  5. What a great idea and a perfect place for that young man to work! Ghostwriter and Dad used to own a pharmacy and they provided services to many group homes, where they saw lots of people with disabilities. They all had some kind of job according to their abilities.

  6. Princess K-ten...what a wonderful post about Big Sky Ranch. It is truly an amazing establishment and just a perfect place for you client to do what he truly loves and be accepted for who he is and what he has to offer society. Animals are the best teacher of unconditional love.
    Yay you get to return too. That was some hard work you all did
    Hugs HiC

  7. I love this place and I'm so happy that your client has a place he will enjoying volunteering at and learning some skills that will help him in the future. Mom loves llamas and has begged Dad for years to let her have one.

    Aroo to you,

  8. What wonderful people to set up and maintain a place like this.

  9. What a wonderful place! And of course it will help your client feel needed and have a sense of purpose. A win-win!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. This will be so great for your client, and I am sure for you too! Isn't it wonderful to love our jobs?

  11. What a wonderfu place and wonderful for your client. My grandson is developmentally disabled and exhibits behaviors similar to autism. He will never live on his own but it would be wonderful to have something like this he could go do with an aid.
    PugRanch Mom

  12. That looks like a wonderful place.

  13. What fabulous ideas! Both the Ranch and possible employment for your client. There is an IT business in Sydney who only hires Aspergers kids. Everyone is happy. The young men, their families and the business. We'll keep our paws crossed--maybe it'll lead to permanent work.

  14. Such a great place, and wonderful that there is such a place for this wide array of animals. It does sound like the perfect place for you client to volunteer (and for you to help him acclimate)!

  15. What a fine place for your client to grow and develop.
    Thanks for telling us all about it, and him (and it is always interesting to hear snippets about fellow bloggers' working lives).
    Cheers! Gail.

  16. What an amazing story, fabulous sanctuary, and truly exciting/wonderful place for your client to be able to work with the animals of all kinds, shapes, an sizes. I see a lot of happy animal faces there - no doubt there are a lot of human smiles in abundance as well. Thanks for sharing......

    Hugs, Pam (and Sam)

  17. It's great that the sanctuary will let your client volunteer there. It can be great therapy for anyone to do that type of work and you get to pet lots of animals while you are working too.

  18. We enjoyed this post so much. it is just wonderful that your young man will get to work here, it goes back to the who rescued who doesn't it. Stella Rose

  19. How rewarding! And what an awesome place to get to visit! I love Phod's twin especially! :)

  20. That sounds like a wonderful place, in every way.


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