
Monday, October 5, 2015

Mischief Monday - The Wheelbarrow

This week has fortunately not been as eventful as last week (the Man hasn't tried to burn the house down!). However, we had wheelbarrow woes. The tube in the wheelbarrow tire got a hole. Man bought a replacement one, had to go to the neighbours to blow it up because he couldn't find a pump, but it also had a hole. The Man bought a new tube and found a pump and it worked, but then he decided the whole tire should be replaced. 2 stores later, a tire was found. For reasons the Lady doesn't understand, this tire then didn't fit easily on the piece to attach it to the wheelbarrow. Man went to 2 hardware stores to find someone to help him force it on. Finally after several weeks the wheelbarrow was ready to go!

This time of year we get 4 cords to use to help heat the house on evenings and weekends. Lady curses it every year. The neighbours are getting 10 cords this year as they are expecting baby 3 in December and someone will be home all day, so they can use the fire as their primary heating source. Lady can't imagine piling that much wood!

We spent a lot of the weekend hauling wood. Lady and Man think we have one more day left. Hopefully we will get one nice day next weekend (Thanksgiving weekend) to finish it up. 

Here is the pile when about half the wood had been piled.  It starts at the side of the house. The Man loads it into the wheelbarrow.

Here is the mischief wheelbarrow. The Man brings it around the house and dumps it in the second garage where the Lady stacks it.

Here is the pile in progress. This garage is also known as our mouse Air BnB as this is where we have caught the most mice (11 to date). It is right off the living room so getting the wood for the fireplace is easy!

Here is Phod and Precious supervising the peeps. Phod kept bringing Precious to Lady to throw. It made the job more interesting. 

Here is Hailey watching over the work. She loved being in the sun, eating grass and digging!


  1. Oh good job there Phod, I bet Lady and Man needed a bit of playtime to relax from all that hard work stacking logs! Very thoughtful of you, we pups nose just what our peeps need don't we
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. the long way to a working wheelbarrow .... that would happen to my dad too. we still wait for our firewood, my dad accidentally ordered 50cm pieces instead the 30cm we will need. my mom was in a state because now he has to cut every piece of wood with the chainsaw... butt my dad solved the problem the dad-way with buying a new woodstove where the 50cm pieces fit... I can not say that my mom was happy with that solution... butt anyway the annoying work with stacking the wood is the same :o)

  3. Hari OM
    ...okay, am guessing that 'cords' refers to the measurement of wood lots.... certainly a lot of logs! I love open fires but they do require some work. As do barrows, apparently.... Phod and Lee, you had the right attitude to being outside!!! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Wow! That looks like a lot of wood! I wish it was cool enough here to have a fireplace or wood-burning stove. I had to laugh at your wheelbarrow woes...sounds like a DIY project run amok! BOL

  5. That's the way to distract the peeps Phod, by using Precious BOL
    Lily & Edward

  6. It's hard work getting ready for the winter but it looks like the peeps have got it under control. Nice photo of Lee, it needs to be framed.

    Aroo to you,

  7. Hailey and Phod that is some of the most gorgeous stacked wood I have seen. Your peeps are working very hard to keep you all warm.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Wowzer that is a big pile, we have a wheel barrow just like that, but it is hard to push cos we let our stooped neighbor use it one year and he filled it to full and bent the red part.................anyway our dad would love burning all that wood, he is always burning stuff in his little burn pile outside, until mom screams at him cos the smoke is coming into the house..........such a loving relationship..........stay warm.....stella rose

  9. Good thing the pups are there to help out LOL!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  10. It has been years since mom had a wood stove - getting the wood is a lot of work. But she loved the warm heat in the winter
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. You run a mouse BedandBreakfast how quaint! For one nano second I thought I had missed the whole month of October with you saying Thanksgiving next weekend but then my brain kicked in and I remember you are up north in Canada. Well Happy Thanksgiving!
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  12. Why are things so hard to put together or repair. Nothing ever goes to plan. That wood is going to be a treat when it gets cold. You can cuddle up and keep warm.

  13. I am sooooo glad we just get 1 cord per year. That alone is a bear to stack!!

  14. I totally understand how Phod had to protect precious. Gee, that is a lot of wood!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. My goodness - I wish we had that much wood. The man in our house says that he's going to cut dead trees from our land every year... and give us firewood. But then he procrastinates, and I threaten to order some from a lumber company. Which finally motivates the man cut down some trees... but our pile is never that big!

    I'm so glad that Phod kept the job more interesting for you!

  16. Such helpful doggies. I'm sure the Precious was essential to getting the work done.
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  17. Wow! That is a lot of wood! What is a "cord"? We're in the midst of a heatwave here in Johannesburg, South Africa...and it's only October!
    Wally & Sammy

  18. That looks like a huge job. Our pawrents converted our fireplace to gas a few years ago and it is very nice to add a little heat when needed.

  19. Oh, I'm glad we're not the only ones who have to play ball while doing projects...everything takes so much longer that way! :)
    The wood pile looks good! We burn wood too, so we know what all that is all about...a lot of work!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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