
Monday, October 26, 2015

Mischief Monday - More Wildlife

Autumn brings back a lot of wildlife to our yard. Phod got to chase the wild turkeys this week, and Hailey, who is always on leash did not. Hailey was very mad.

Friday night, while eating dinner, I noticed a deer in the yard. Turns out, there were 7! The Man and I must have spent close to 30 minutes watching them in the side and front yard. While we were watching, the dogs got suspicious and looked out and barked a bit. We were able to get them to stop barking so they didn't scare the off. Although a few times the deer did move a bit further away from the house. 

The deer we watched the most were a mother (below standing in the yard beside our front porch) and her two babies (the two deer in the background). One of the babies tried to nurse and the mom would have none of it and actually hit the baby with her hoof. I guess that is how she weens them. All the deer looked healthy and seem to be getting ready for winter.

The next day while out with Hailey, she and I found a spot in the bush in the side yard where the deer have been sleeping. I let her have a good sniff of it. Hopefully this made up for not letting her bark! That and the fact that both she and Phod sneak deer poop as a snack (the only problem with having deer in the yard!)

Perhaps the real mischief is more mice have moved up. The number is now 17. We know these are different mice because we have not been releasing but ensuring they were dead. (Initially we tried a live trap, but that didn't catch them so we moved to other types to try and eliminate the problem).


  1. that would be fun to watch the deer in your yard

  2. Hari OM
    How wonderful... My blogpal Jennifer Jilks, who lives at Muskoka, has similar property and we get some amazing piccies of her deer and birds and endless other critters. Am mildly envious of such sightings!!! YAM xx

  3. That is sooooo pawsome, haffing you're own wildlife show in your back garden!
    Oh and deer poop snacks, yum yum!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. It's amazing sthat this animals feel no fear, we had pheasants, foxes and badgers in the middle of our village... that's crazy :o) maybe you can mark the mice somehow with an edding to see if that are "your" mice or another ones?

  5. Deer and turkeys? MOUSES! Oh... Hmmm... Speaking about mouses, you have any mice? Mice are wildlife, too, but we cats have moused out our yard, completely. Any in yours?


  6. Deer and turkeys? MOUSES! Oh... Hmmm... Speaking about mouses, you have any mice? Mice are wildlife, too, but we cats have moused out our yard, completely. Any in yours?


  7. Any chance you can get an outside cat? Our local shelter has feral cats you can adopt out. That was the only solution to our mouse issue.

    Monty and Harlow

  8. Hailey OMCs...I love turkey...but I've never seen a real one. Inquiring minds (mine) want to know if deer smell good?
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. Ghostwriter sees lots of deer around the nursing home where she works. Everyone loves to watch them!

  10. The deer are beautiful. Sorry about the rats, we had to endure crickets this weekend. Mom called it a cricket apocalypse.

    Aroo to you,

  11. Were my daughter lives they also get wild turkeys and deer in their yard. The poop can be a problem!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. Watching deer is so relaxing to mom. Beautiful
    Lily & Edward

  13. Deer Mom said no more free food. That must be sad when baby was hungry. We have a lot of deer in our community this year. They watch us like we watch them.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. We think deer are much better than mice!

  15. We get deer in our yard all the time. They've been eating the mom's mums and pumpkins.

  16. Look at those deer! Wow! You got the best backyard view!

  17. Hey, I think that is the same family of deer that hop our fence and nibble our garden.

  18. Wow, those deer are beautiful! We get tree rats in the yard, but that's about it. I think Shiver woul initially be scared of them, then he and Chico would bark and bark and bark and bark and get the idea.

    Thank you for your kindness and support while Chico is dealing with cancer. It means so much that our furiends are looking out for us.

  19. 17! You need a whole herd of cats to help with that! So, you live in Wild Kingdom!! Did you ever find a wheelie house to rent?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. Dear Cousins,

    Deer poop - YUM! I love deer poop!

    I wonder where all the mice are coming from?


  21. What a wonderful sight it must be to spot deer right in your yard!!

  22. Deer poop is a delicacy! You are so lucky to have it in your very own yard!

  23. Wow!!! 7 of them?! That is just cool!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  24. Lucky you to have deer that close to watch! There are no deer in the island where we live but we've seen many while camping in Ontario and throughout the USA. (The pack wasn't allowed to bark.)


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