
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Black and White Sunday - It Is Coming

Well, winter is coming. We had our first snow yesterday. It didn't stay, but it was swirling in the air.


When looking for Halloween past pictures I came across this, from Halloween 2010.  

Let's hope we don't see that much for months!

Don't forget about our blog hop coming up this Thursday. All the details are HERE.


  1. we here there is going to massive amounts of snow this year thanks to the El Nino effect - glad we don't live up north :)

  2. it's cold here too (ok, I know for canada our 9°c are just a little fresh LOL) but the furst cold day hurst somehow >:o) I decided to spend that day undercover :o)

  3. It's always so hard to imagine folks having snow when we are still wandering around in shorts down here. LOL!

    Monty and Harlow

  4. Hari OM
    We have had a couple of ground frosts, but no snow as yet... though central Europe got a belting last week! Stay warm darlings, hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. It's getting cold here too. We've seen a few flakes, but they didn't stick around. Ghostwriter remembers taking the kids trick-or-treating in wet, sloppy snow and sleep many years ago. Yipes!

  6. We hope it doesn't get too bad for you all this winter!!
    Warm Smileys!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. Snow already?! It's still fairly warm here and I'm hoping it stays that way for quite awhile. I hate winter and hate snow even more!

  8. WOW! White stuff! I hope we're a long ways away from our first dusting of that stuff!

    Hugs, Sammy

  9. OMD OMD Snow Freak Eggs fell at YOUR PLACE, TOO???? They came down in Pencil Vane E Ah Also... We are NOT Fans...
    We ARE, however Ready fur THURSDAY.... Just sayin

  10. Oh my gosh! Look at the snow! We haven't even had much cold weather yet!

  11. We know snow CAN come this time of year but since we STILL have our windows open we can't imagine it!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. We heard on the news about the snow in Toronto. Seems very early to us. Hope it isn't a bad winter. We've suddenly been thrown into heat. No inbetween weather.

  13. No! It's too early for the white stuff!

  14. Oh, my! Hope you don't have to shovel snow on Halloween.

    Critter Alley

  15. You beat us this year. Usually, we have our first snow in September but it hasn't snowed yet this year. But, it snows every single Halloween here! I hope you don't get "real" snow for a while!

  16. Wow!!! Look at your beautiful white fluffy snow! How can it be!

  17. We are not ready for snow yet but we know it will be coming
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. We heard on the news that it has started snow in parts of the U.S. of A already...we hope it holds off a little longer.
    Wally & Sammy

  19. LOL I am posting about our Sunday snow on tomorrows blog! Crazy right?!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  20. We had snow spitting on us yesterday too but none of it stuck.

  21. SNOW? Did you say SNOW? Snow snow snow snow snow! I want SNOW!

    The people say that it is supposed to be warm and wet this winter. There is not supposed to be any snow for us. Can you believe that??? This is terrible! I love snow! I am moving to your house!!!


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