
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Big Suck

For the longest time, our Phod was hesitant to get up on the bed and furniture. We assume this wasn't allowed in his first home. He would stand and wait and look at you with sad eyes and only with a lot of encouragement, would he get up on the furniture.

Hailey has never had such a problem, she knows everything is hers and she will sit where she feels like. So get use to it people.

Over the summer, 3 years after joining us, Phod has finally become comfortable with inviting himself up on the furniture. We now have great snuggles on the couch while we watch TV.

 He will also hop up on the bed as we are falling asleep and as we are waking. He does spend most of the night on one of the beds in our room, but will spend more time with us. He snuggles right up so you can pet him.

We have created a great big giant suck. It is the life my sweet, sweet boy deserves and I wouldn't have it any other way!


  1. Hari Om
    awwwww Zaphod, tell Lady you are neither a a suck, nor a sook, but are certainly a gorgeous snookum!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. that's true :o) butt on the other hand I feel lonely without a dog in or on my bed.... maybe that's crazy, but I'm with you: I wouldn't have it any other way :o)

  3. Yay fur you Phod (and Hailey) snuggles is the bestest...enjoy!!!!!!
    Oh, and don't furget to snaffle that warm spot on the bed!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. WE know you wouldn't...we are so happy he knows how much you love him....stella rose

  5. Phod have you talked to Edward? After 2years he invites himself on the sofa without being invited! He pulled that sad eye thing too
    Lily (& Edward)

  6. Both Jessie and I were totally fine getting up on the furniture right away. We know where we belong! Jessie sometimes is reluctant to jump up on the bed, but other times she hops right up.

  7. Both Jessie and I were totally fine getting up on the furniture right away. We know where we belong! Jessie sometimes is reluctant to jump up on the bed, but other times she hops right up.

  8. Hmmm, I don't think that's a big suck. I think it is a big teddy bear. I never used to sleep on the big bed either until one day someone put me up there and now...I sleep there a lot.

  9. Oh I agree nothing is better than sleeping in the big bed.

    Aroo to you,

  10. Oh do we agree. Bless he sweet heart no telling what his former owners did to keep him off things.
    I expect they were what we call trophy pet owners. Just wanted to say they had a impress others but really and truly they did not want a dog.
    Yay for Phod!!
    Hugs madi and mom

  11. I's always are on da furniture - even know dat I has to be lifted up.

  12. Yay for Phod! We're so happy he's comfortable enough to take over. Here's to many snuggle sessions as the cold weather approaches.

  13. Mom can't sleep if one of us is not touching her.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  14. Awe! That's so awesome that he finally feels comfortable enough to get up on the furniture! How sweet!

  15. We are lucky enough to have all four know they can come up on the furniture when they want to...well, I think that's lucky ;-).

  16. Ghostwriter gave up on trying to get us not to jump up on the furniture. Hey, we're all family, Phod, and that means you too!

  17. Mm doesn't mind us being on any of the furniture but we just get to hot so the floor is always our favorite place because it's cooler

  18. That is so sweet... to transform a dog like Phod must be the greatest gift imaginable.

  19. Oh boy, my huskies don't even blink, they invite themselves up on the furniture and beds LOL!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!


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