
Friday, August 28, 2015

FFHT - A Conversation About Our Problem

Thanks to our pals Murphy and Stanley for organizing this.

Hailey: Lady we have a problem.

Lady: What is it Lee?

Phod: It isn't me, is it? I am trying so hard to be good. I just want you to love me and keep me forever.

Hailey: Phod, they have put up with my shenanigans for nearly 5 years, you are safe bud. No, the problem is it is FFHT and we haven't got a post.

Lady: You said you wanted to do it this time, so what is the problem?

Hailey: I have to write about something embarrassing and I don't get embarrassed.

Phod: Me neither, I get ashamed and not embarrassed.

Hailey: Besides, anything that might have been embarrassing you have told. Yes everyone, I like to lick my butt. I like to eat poop. I fart when I stretch. These are just part of who I am.   Hmmmm, maybe there is something embarrassing about Lady.

Phod: Lady is great and perfect and we don't want to upset her because we want to live with her forever.

Lady: I think Phod has some great points there Hail.

Hailey: Let's see lately . . . . well you didn't get organized enough to get us in the demolition derby, but that is more annoying than embarrassing. Hmmmmm, I can't think of anything. Phod are you sure you can't think of anything?

Phod: No. I have nothing.

Hailey: Well I don't know what we are going to do, our post has to have the phrase "It would be really embarrassing if everyone knew"  and we have nothing.  Our post won't count!

Lady: Ummm, LeeLee, you just used the phrase. I think it is ok.

Hailey: How embarrassing, I didn't notice.

Phod: Can we play ball now?

Hey everyone, we have an announcement. September 4 is Hailey's 5th Gotcha Day and September 8th is our 5 year Blogiversary. Be sure to come by to celebrate with us!


  1. You two are sooo cute, luffs you both...but lets keep that our secret... "It would be really embarrassing if everyone knew"
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Hari Om
    BOL... OMDness you three - between you, you hit the jackpot!!! All embarrassment potential neutralised.

    OOh oohh oohhhh big pawty happenin'??? I'll be here.... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Well done, mission completed :o) BRAVO Lee&Phod&Lady!

  4. Oh we love that picture and guess what OUR mom missed the demo derby also..........shame on her, it is hard to get everything done, isn't it! Great job on this post.
    stellie rose

  5. It would be really embarrassing if everyone found out you never got embarrassed? :) We will be here for your blogiversary, but we're going to miss your barkday! Momma's going to be visiting a giant mouse, and the dogsitter isn't very good at blogging.

  6. It would be really embarrassing if everyone found out you never got embarrassed? :) We will be here for your blogiversary, but we're going to miss your barkday! Momma's going to be visiting a giant mouse, and the dogsitter isn't very good at blogging.

  7. You two are too funny! Oooh, I can't wait for all your celebrations. It is going to be fun!

  8. have some special days coming up!! We will make sure we stop by!!

    We don't get embarrassed either, thank goodness our Mama does or we wouldn't have anything to write about either!! BOL
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  9. You two K9's crack me up...Hailey don't stretch when you have company!!
    I think you nailed the FFHT!!
    We'll see you for your special days!
    Hugs madi your bfff and mom

  10. LOL you guys are too cute!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  11. WOW - two BIG days coming up for you two! YAY!

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. sounds like the conversations we have :)

  13. This was a great post for FFHT! We will be sure to come celebrate with you
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. BOL! We didn't want to expose HER either!

  15. We love it and it counts!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. I believe that you did a tremendous job of FFHT! BOL!

  17. Wow, big days coming up! We cannot wait!!

  18. Oh! Oh! Oh! mes is sure mes will bes there!!!
    Mes Can't wait!

  19. Oh you guys! Too adorables!!! Why didn't I thinks of embarrassing my Ma??!!! Oh waits..I thinks I can do a late entry...hehehehe
    OH, you can count on me bein' there for your celebration!!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  20. I like it, it should counts!

  21. We thinks this was a wonderful post, good job, Hailey, Zaphod and their Lady.

  22. We think you made the right choice not to embarrass the lady. :)

  23. Ha ha, good job, fell right into that one!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets


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