
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Zaphod's Santa Letter

Dear Santa,

Thank you very much for all the wonderful toys and treats your brought last year. I really loved them. You are very nice. I would give you licks if we met and I wasn't too scared.

I don't know what to ask for. I have everything a pup could want. I have 3 soft dog beds. I have a basket full of balls and chucks and discs. There is a drawer of puzzle toys and cupboards full of cookies. I have my places to sleep by the fire. I have a wonderful sister Hailey and a Nin and a great Lady and Man. I know they work very hard to give me the best life they can.

Hailey says it is rude at Christmas not to ask for anything so, if I have to I have 3 simple wishes: a new fetch toy because I love fetch so much Santa; for Lady and Man to love me forever and maybe not to have to do things like clean my ears or give me a bath or use the vacuum; for all the puppies and kitties in shelters and rescues to find amazing loving homes. That is what I would like the most Santa.

Have a safe trip and I will try not to chase your deer that live near our house.

Love your Phody Boy


  1. What a perfect letter! Your picture is adorable.

  2. Phod that is very sweet indeed and we think Santa will be answering your wishes. Have a terific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Phod I'll second that, but I'm sure the Lady and the Man will love you furever, who wouldn't love you? I also agree for that ear-cleaning and baths... maybe you can ask for a dry shampoo?
    Easy Rider

  4. That is an excellent letter to Santa and your 3 wishes are just perfect! I just know Santa will grant thos wishes for you.

  5. "Swooooon" you are such a sensitive guy Phody!
    Smiley Hugs!

  6. Are yer sure your not holding back there big guy ?
    I'm going to ask for some sand shoes so I can skip along the sand quicker to herd the seagulls.
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  7. Ahhhh very sweet letter to Santa. I know you both have been very good so you'll surely get your wishes
    hugs madi your bfff

  8. Hari OM
    OH Zaphod, you just sealed a little corner of my heart... so surely Santa Paws will be equally impressed! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. You should be proud of such a nice letter
    Lily & Edward

  10. Oh that is sooo sweet! I hopes you get everythingy you wished for…and…a great big hug for being so thoughtful
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. I think not chasing the deer is really going to win you some extra points with the big guy!

  12. We are with you 100% about all dogs and cats getting a home for the holidays!!!!

  13. Sounds like you were a very good girl and should be on the EXTRA NICE list.

  14. What a great list Phod....that sounds like it truly will be a done deal.

    The Mad Scots

  15. Aww what a wonderful list! I hope you get some more fetch toys!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. Aw, that is a wonderful letter. All us fetching doggies need to have a fetch-athon!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Phod, what a selfless Christmas list. I'm glad to have a buddy like you.

    Aroo to you,

  18. That is a very nice letter. I think you are on the "nice" list.


  19. You did a good letter writing that letter!

  20. Oh Phod. Your photo made me smile, and your letter made me smile even more! What a sweetie you are.

  21. What a lovely letter!! But I wouldn't worry about asking santa for man and ladies forever love, you already have it!!

  22. Ditto, even though this is the first time we've visited you (thank YOU for stopping by!), we're sure you'll be loved forever. :-)

  23. That is a very nice list! We hope Sandy Claws gives you what you asked... but we wouldn't hold out much hope for no more vaccum.

  24. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Handsome Phod, Good Phod. I am sure Santa will grant your wishes if he can! (I know Lady and Man will love you forever and beyond.)


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