
Friday, December 12, 2014

Feline Friday - Nin's Adventures

While we were away, Nin went to stay with Uncle Chris and Emma. 

Nin has always hated the car, and here is a sample of him protesting on the way to Uncle Chris'. (This is only a fraction of the yelling at I got when I brought him home Monday night, but being alone in the car made it impossible to tape. Needless to say, it was a long hour drive home!)

Nin did great at Uncle Chris'. As soon as we got there, he checked the place out. He didn't hiss or seem stressed, which is impressive especially when you remember he is 19.5 years old. He found great spots to sleep. Uncle Chris gave him lots of extra treats (any food he was interested in he pretty much got!). Uncle Chris reported that he was annoying (he has always been a chatty cat) but more active then he has seen him for a long time. 

Emma, who normally can be found snuggling with Nin when she is visiting our house, did NOT enjoy having him in her house. She began piling all her toys so she could guard them. She did not like when he drank out of her water dish (there was another for him, but he is use to sharing with dogs). She didn't like that he slept in her spot. Overall, she was the stressed one.

Emma will be staying with us for all of February and March, so we will see how the two get along then!

Hailey and Phod were very excited to see Nin and to check him out and smell him and hump him etc. etc. when we got home and Nin seemed happy to be there. 

All members of our pack had a great time away! 


  1. Sounds like everyone had a lovely vacation, but I am sure it is great to be back home together again!

  2. That is great it went well with Nin and well done to the old boy for taking everything in his stride. Sorry that Emma was not the hostess with the mostest. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Hari OM
    No matter how great the accoms... there is simply no place like home!!! Hugs, wags, and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Great that Nin is back too. I'm sure Emma will be nice when she visits you. I have such a "my home-my castle" thinking too :o)
    Easy Rider

  5. but there is no place like home and we bet you are all glad to be settled back in

  6. Sounds like things are getting back to normal :-)
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. OMC Nin..... we did not KNOW that you could use so many HBO Words...

  8. Nin did very well, going to another house at her age. Glad the whole pack is back together.

  9. I am glad to hear all went well during their time away!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  10. Sounds like an interesting time was had by all. :)

  11. Whew, glad that car ride is over!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. So glad it all went OK. It is great to be able to know they are taken care of when you go away
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  13. Good!!!! I hope that Emma is relaxed at your house during the visit. It sounds like Nin had fun!

  14. BOL don't you hate a backseat driver. I glad Nin enjoyed his time at Uncle Chris' house.

    Aroo to you,

  15. I am glad that everything went ok for all of you.

    Loveys Sasha

  16. Oh Nin I totally HATE being in the car too! An hour was a very long ride for you AND your furramily listening to you "sing" the whole time.....I bet you're VERY happy to be home sweet home!

    Hugs, Sammy

  17. Dear Nin,

    I am glad you are home again. Our Cat Named Jack tells me that Cats (unlike us Dogs) do not like car rides. In fact you sound very mad. We enjoy visiting places, but it is always best to be at home, isn't it?


  18. I'm glad your vacation was a success for everyone!

    Monty and Harlow


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