
Monday, July 14, 2014

Mischief Monday - Helping Clean Up

One of Hailey's bad habits is counter surfing. It is bad enough that it happens when we are out of the room (we can often hear her), but Hailey is so determined to do it, she will do it right in front of us. Often grabbing the camera reminders her to get down, but with the leftovers of ribs, there was no stopping her!

Just helping clean up!

Tomorrow we will share the tricks we are working on!


  1. Haha, unfortunately I'm too small to do that, but if I were as big as Hailey, there'd probably be no stopping me! She's not even bothered by the paparazzi, those ribs must have been too good!
    Pippa :)

  2. I'm a great counter surfer too. butt wait... I haven't done this for weeks... it's time to ride the next wave huh?

  3. I have had 10 dogs in my life time and not one ever did that!!!!! Bless your heart!!!
    Thanks for your visit to our blog!!

  4. Hey Hailey!
    Wow, I don't blame you a bit! If I could reach, I'd do some surfing myself. BOL Were those ribs tasty?!?
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  5. LOL...we are way to short to counter surf or table serf but if we could we would!
    stella rose

  6. Oh, that is mischief with a big reward! :) Rita is pretty good about counter surfing. She usually only does it when hamburgers are involved! She can only be expected to be so good... she has her limits and burgers are her limit.

  7. MOL MOL Hailey do you have some feline DNAs in you? I didn't know K9s counter surfed.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. No dog can resist leftover ribs! I say if you don't want Hailey to counter-surf then the ribs need to be elsewhere (like on the floor so she can access them better - BOL). Happy Monday

  9. Luckily Boomer and Dottie really aren't counter surfers...

  10. Why that is just Tempt Me, Temptation!
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  11. Monty has just recently turned into one - we used to be able to leave all kinds of stuff out before then.

    Monty and Harlow

  12. OKAY....OK Hailey.... we are gonna admit this right HERE and NOW... We are TOTALLY GREEN with Jellyness... We can't come CLOSE to reaching the Countertops. DARN IT.

  13. Part of your chores! Now do you get an allowance for that hard work?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Lucky Hailey. We're too short to reach the counter...sigh.

  15. Maybe she is going for the knife.....RUN, run fast, the ribs may have her worked up for a leg of Peep!

    The Mad Pirate Scots

  16. Oh gosh we are jealous too! we need longer legs for sure!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  17. Macy does this... What worries me is the other stuff she steals and eats! A scrubby sponge... a bread wrapper and...she puked up the wrapper from a beef jerky more than once!

  18. Ahhh! Koda is SO bad for counter surfing!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  19. We don't counter surf but we do start up at it if there is something we need to pre-clean for the dishwasher. We stay in the kitchen until mom or dad comes and gives us the dishes.

  20. Everyone needs a little help cleaning the kitchen.

    Aroo to you,

  21. Mmmmmm...ribs! I'm so impressed that you are tall enough to reach the counter. I have to jump on stuff to reach ours (which means I have to be left alone and then most of the food is put away by then).

  22. I have caught Shiner doing a bit of that lately! Looks delicious Hailey!

  23. ribs - wow the sound worth risking it for!!

  24. Who needs to wait for tomorrow, that counter surfing looks like a rewarding trick! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)


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