
Thursday, May 8, 2014

We Got Mail - part 1

Mail 1: It was a complete and special surprise that our Twitter pals @Kenzie_and_Troy (follow them if you don't already), send us a pay it forward gift. Lady briefly met Kenzie and the people at Pet Expo in Ottawa last November. They were kind enough to send us not 1, but 2 special rope toys. We love them! Thanks Kenzie and Troy!

Canada Post was kind enough to open the package for us, this is how it arrived!

Here is one of them on the chair to show how pawsome it is

Phod checking it out

Phod tugs while Lee cheers him on

We are trying to keep one on each floor of the house to assure we get lots of play time with them. They are great and strong. Thanks again Kenzie and Troy!

Come back next Tuesday to find out about Mail 2!


  1. Enjoy and have fun with them we say. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. what wonderful toys = mom mom makes those for us too but they don't lat long with Mr Tiny Teeth Sir Shred-a-lot

  3. I love rope toys! Have fun while playing tug of war! And what a great service to open the mail for you. Wow even our La Poste could learn something. Have a great thursday!

  4. OUR mom actually MADE us one of those thingys and Maggie likes to play wif it. is easypeasy to wash...throw it in the washer and it comes out clean. What nice friends you have.
    stella rose

  5. That's a good tug toy. What a nice surprise
    Lily & Edward

  6. How fun to get a fun surprise in the mail!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  7. Those Canadian Post Peeps probably PLAYED with your new rope toys fur 87 days before they sent them on to you.
    THOSE are GRRRREAT. Love Paw it Forward.

  8. That is so neat!!!
    Happy Mothers Day to you MOM!!!

  9. Well and why not should you have them. Just right for you. :-) x x x

  10. Looks like a very fun toy Phod!

  11. What a great new interactive rope fun for everyone.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. Oh wow! that looks like a cool toy!
    Thanks for sharing!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. What a nice surprise...they look like great, fun toys!

  14. Bwahaaahaaa! Canada Post opening it for you! Oh, on second thought, that isn't really funny. BUT at least you got your present. And great toys! We love surprises like that!

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  15. How fun! Enjoy your toy you guys. :)

  16. I hope when they opened the package they did NOT remove any treats that might have been in it?!?!? What a wonderful tug toy!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. That looks like fun ... can I come play?


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