
Monday, May 5, 2014

Mischief Monday - Hope to reduce this with Project Hailey

I am calling it Project Hailey. It is my attempt to work extra had with Hailey to help her with her issues. The issues I am hoping to address are her anxiety and her pulling on walk. These are things that are always on the back burner but I am kicking it up a notch because Hailey's anxiety increases over the spring through the fall and in the fall she is going to be spending some time with Grammie and the Big Guy while we are traveling.

The Project so far contains the following pieces.

1) Increase Lee's exercise (physical and mental). We have been having our big walks even though it has been raining every day. I got myself a fantastic rain coat to make this better. We are also doing more walks in the woods (tomorrow we will share our yard). I am also working on ways to build commands in these walks. Things like climbing the picnic table. In general, we are just trying to be outside more! And of course working on training in the house.

2) Walking nicely. I am experimenting with getting her to walk better. I bought an Outward Hound hands free leash to make our walks nicer. The issue was when not in her harness, she pulled so hard she broke it (it is fixable fortunately).

The view when she is pulling of the harness

The harness we have she can step out of, which isn't safe, so then I had to buy another harness. I got a Lupine no pull harness. This harness is excellent. So excellent, I have ordered Phod one (with Hailey not ripping my arm off, I didn't notice how much Phod does pull). I have yet to try the new harness on the hands free leash. We are trying one thing at a time. I hope these things will help make her a better walker so my parents to hate me the whole time I am away!

Lee modelling the new harness, and yes I got one that was the same pattern as her collar!

We will keep working on Project Hailey and hopefully help get our girl into the best place she can be.


  1. Good luck with Project Lee and we hope you start seeing some improvements. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Good luck! Our paws are crossed. At least you've given yourself TIME to help her reach the goal.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. lets hope those work for her - it is hard work when you have a dog that pull like that

  4. Good luck sweetie. I like that harness
    Lily & Edward

  5. gussie seen some of the big dogs in his puppy class have these on, and they helped them a lot.
    stella rose

  6. I cross my paws for Project Lee and I hope it will not turn into a Mission Impossible (without Tom Cruise). Easy is a tractor too and the only trick what works is, to interrupt the walk and to go home immediately. After a while we start again or again and again and fortunately it works and he got the message. Sadly after a while he is the ole evil guy... but we work and we try and we hope. Have a good monday!

  7. We think this is a grrrrreat Pawject... since it involves MORE WALKIES... THAT is super. Love that harness.

  8. I've been wanting to get a hands free leash but Dottie pulls so much I'm afraid she'll pull me over!

  9. Good lucky with Project Hailey! A little extra time training never hurts!

  10. Wish you lived near us, would love to join you!

  11. "Project Hailey" sounds like work. Dad went through that pulling with Bites until he found a CHEAP harness that just goes around his front legs and hooks on the back, now he just strolls along, right next to Dad.


  12. Good luck with the project H. More walks are good for everybody
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  13. Great ideas and I wish you the very best of luck with them!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  14. It is a worthwhile project fur sure! We hope it works for Hailey!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Dear Lee,

    You have an awesome person. I can tell that she loves you very much and will do whatever she can to help you out. So - help her out too, will ya?

    Besides, extra Walks and training sound like much fun!


  16. Project Hailey boy Lee your mom sure does love you.

    Aroo to you,

  17. Hailey, we just know you are going to make your Mama proud!!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. It's great that you're doing specific stuff to try to help Hailey. I bet it will help... and I'm rooting for you!

  19. Good luck you you and Hailey. We like our lupine collars too.

  20. I hope all goes well! I need a new harness for Cricket too....she can wriggle out of hers when she gets wound up, and that makes me nervous. I'm always thinking about trying a hands free leash too.


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