
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Catch Up Saturday

Hope everyone had as great a week as we did. We have lots of stuff to tell you about in upcoming posts - they involve the 4 parcels we received this week and one that we will be getting early next week (more mail than the people, we feel so lucky!). Lady's working only 4 days went well. This may be something that doesn't last though because silly here accepted a new contract on Friday.

I am also happy to report that my friend found the perfect puppy for her from a reputable breeder. We are pleased to introduce Sadie Rose.

Black and White Sunday - Table
Lady says the old table is not fit for humans and may move it so we can do more agility as part of our daily exercise.  The woods are a little off limits right now as there are baby groundhogs we want to eat.

Mischief Pays Off and Whose Bed is it Really
While it wasn't good that Lee destroyed a bed, the bed had been damaged from repeated peeing on and washing, so I had been thinking about purchasing a new bed for some time.  Her destroying it just sped that up. Yes it is a Costco Bed. We love these beds and the prices are great. We currently have 3 Costco beds, 2 other beds (one in the front hall and one in the closet for Hailey's safe space) and we have a crate liner. There is no shortage of beds in this house, especially for animals who are allowed on the furniture. However, whenever we bring a new bed in, it is clearly the most popular for a period of time. I wish I had gotten a picture of it, but to make sure no one got either of the big round beds, Lee slept across both of them! In the end, if Baggy wants to use the bed, for that time it is his. He is the oldest and he does what he wants LOL!

Hailey is still not loving the Thundershirt, but it has been a very rainy week and no destruction. We call it her hug, and she reluctantly lets us put it on, but won't take her greenie from me because she is so angry I left her in her hug. I am not sure if she eats it when I am gone or if Phod steals it.

What does Emma See and Wordless Wednesday
Emma is not currently staying with us. Those pictures were taken on Easter weekend when she came to visit. She didn't bark at the deer, but Lee and Phod do. The deer have come by several times this week and it has been fun to see them (not as much fun for the Lady when we are on our morning walk). When we bark and are inside, the deer just look and then they go back to eating. We hope to give you all a tour of our yard soon. Lady thinks Emma was sticking her tongue out cause she was making her sit and pose for pictures when there was so much to sniff and explore.

A Misfits Dance Party
We hope you all enjoyed this. Lady donated part of her compensation for this to help a kitty who needs help that we saw at Brian's Home Blog. Her plan had been to pay it forward. The other part, she used to buy us stuff (not stuff we think is great, we will talk more about that next week).

That is our catch up! Talk to you all soon!


  1. A big hello to sweet. Sadie Rose. How cute is she. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. WELCOME Sadie Rose!!! That is super duper.

    We have not seen any baby ground hogs butt there are a bunch of BUNNIES around... WE chase them.
    Have a Wonderful Weekend.

  3. What a cutie Sadie Rose is!! We just know she is going to love her furrever home!

    We can't wait to read what you have in store this week!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  4. Sadie is jut adorable....we hope she sets up her own blog so we can watch her grow and get to know her. Sounds like you have another busy week ahead.

  5. Sadie is beautiful! Congrats to your friend for her new addition to the family! Great catch up post! Hope your having a great weekend!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  6. Sadie Rose is absolutely adorable! Also, very generous that the lady donated to help Brian's friend!

    Ruby and Angel Pip

  7. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sadie Rose made my mom squeal. Thank you for the great recap
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Aw Sadie Rose is so cute! Will be nice to see what kind of packages you guys got :)

  9. She looks like a Sadie Rose doesn't she??? So cute!!
    Thank you so much for your visit!!!

  10. Thumbs up for the Thundershirt. Sadie is so cute. We're happy your friends were able to find the perfect puppy for themselves.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  11. Hi Sadie Rose, you are a cutie! Mom says she saw a bunny and at the baseball game yesterday !
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  12. Sadie is a cutie. Is she a chihuahua?

  13. Okay, I know I am a Kitty and I hope I don't get punished for saying this, but Sadie Rose is just ADORABLE! Have you met her? Is she fun to play with? What kind of woofie is she?

  14. Sadie Rose is adorable! Congrats on their new family member!

    Aroo to you,

  15. Sadie Rose- how very adorable!

  16. I do so love your catch up posts - and I love the idea of lying across both beds!!


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