
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring - Will You Ever Come?

I am beginning to think winter is here forever. Yesterday morning walk greeted us with temperatures around -27C. We didn't get very far. It was just too cold.

With temperatures like that and the fact that it just keeps snowing, I don't know if we will ever see grass again.

This is the snow that was still in our yard as of last evening.
The bank is over Lee's head beside the drive way

This is the front yard. Phod is way up on the bank. 

This is from the back deck:

They are calling for rain on Friday and the weekend, maybe then it will melt!


  1. and then when it melts there will be mud - LOTS of mud !

  2. Oh my cats! That is a lot of says she has never seen that much snowin her entire life and she is pretty old. MOL my skinzeeeeee toy will grow on me
    Madi your bfff

  3. Brrrrrr that is so cold. Enough now. We are off to kick Spring's butt into shape on your behalf and we blow some sun to you too. Have a terrific Tuesday and stay warm.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Oh we do feel for you guys, snow is fun but it soon gets boring .. Off to read dishwasher wars BOL :) xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Wow! We thought it was bad here but you have it much worse!

  6. We FEEL your PAIN... from being FROZEN and covered with snow... OURS has FINALLY melted...butt today we will get a light Dusting... just to remind us... Winter Will Have its way with us.

  7. H-O-L-Y D-O-G! THAT is a LOT of snow. Yikes! I sure hope you get some warm weather soon or you will be snowed in until summer.

  8. Its still freezing here......Im getting pretty depressed!!

  9. Today has been crazy here in Michigan, we keep going from sun to blasts of snow, sun and blasts of snow. Right now it is sunny. 50s here this weekend!

  10. And SHE was complaining it was 16°C yesterday morning and had to put on a sweatshirt. Bwahaahaa! Maybe it's the beginning of another Ice Age.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  11. Let's blame the groundhog
    Lily & Edward

  12. OMD! I know right!!!!! The never ending winter!!!!
    It has been SO freezing to!! Sheesh! My huskies are lovin it of course, but I think I am officially ready for some fun in the sun!!! hahahaha!!!!
    *sigh* Canada, gotta love it!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. It's way too cold there. We thought spring finally came here, but some cold air came back this week. Sigh. I hope spring is just around the corner for you :-)

  14. Well it may be gone our your gonna have ice ponds in the snow!

    The Mad Scots

  15. OMC! I know what's wrong--we had NO winter--you got yours AND ours. That's what happened, I think so, yes I do.

  16. I feel the same way this winter is going to stay to meet next winter, they want to be friends and squeeze summer out of a job. It snowed here today. My snow has all melted but the harsh winter has taken my grass with it. I have a mud yard now.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  17. I hope soon y'all will get to see green there. It's funny how beautiful snow can be but it sure can wear out its welcome. Hang in there friends.

    Aroo to you,

  18. gosh,, looky at all that snow!! burry burry cold!

  19. Woah, minus 27! That's amazing, we didn't even get any snow in winter! Hope Lee and Phod's paws keep cosy, it must be freezing!
    Pippa :)

  20. Wow! You have so much snow! Ours is gone ... we just have some patches of ice that should be gone by the end of the weekend.


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