
Monday, March 31, 2014

Mischief Monday - Ice 1, Lady 0

Friday was a warm and wet day. It was 6 C (42 F). Snow was melting. Things froze up on Saturday and without thinking Lady went out the front step and landed on her butt and left arm. While the left arm doesn't appear broken it is extremely painful (it is really bruised) and she has a limited pain free range of motion with it.   For example she can only type with one hand, which is sooooooo annoying.

She is hoping with rest it will heal soon! We apologize in advance for not leaving as many comments. We will be visiting!

What did the dogs do when lady fell and was yelling and crying:
Phod stood annoyed chuck was not being thrown
Lee actually ran back to check I was ok.


  1. LOL at least Lee was there. I left my peeps and went for a nap after making her trip on the stairs ROFL. Have a marvellous Monday and we hope your arm is better soon.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Been there a few times too - the sudden shock of slipping is so scary and then the pain kicks in. Better get that arm checked...a fracture can hurt like crazy too .

  3. Oh goodness! That dreaded ice will do it every time. We're so sorry that your Lady went down so hard and got hurt. We know that with some TLC, she will be on the road to recovery. Take good care of her.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  4. Oh no. Thank goodness she didn't trip over you. Hope the woman feels better. Ouch!
    Lily & Edward

  5. Oh our mom did that back in December and hurt her knee, she still has issues with it cos she said she is old. we hope you get to feeling better real soon, hugs
    stella rose

  6. Ah no! Hope it heals up fast for you!!!! Ouch!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  7. Uh oh, if it is bruised the Lady needs to go for XRays! Hope she did and that it heals quickly!

  8. When SHE tripped over Daisy in the street, we dogs tried to scatter. We didn't want to be seen with such a klutz.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  9. Oh's just time for this long hard winter to be over, isn't it? I'm glad you didn't break anything. Our yard has been treacherous, and I've been lucky to only have fallen once, and luckily there was also some soft snow on top of the ice so I didn't land too hard. I fell flat on my back though, all of the dogs ran over to check on me, and Luke licked my face!
    I hope you heal quickly, and that you get some warm sunshine to cheer you up too!

  10. Oh ouch, that's not good, I've been there before. Get lots of rest when you can!

  11. Hey, at least they weren't standing there laughing, hope you are ok, and get to feeling better soon. That crash and burn on the ice is not good, it happens way to fast, see you when you feel like coming by!

    The Mad Scots

  12. OUCH we are so sorry to hear about the fall and we hope that healing will be quick. (hugs)

  13. Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about the ouchies! That darn ice and snow is really tricky. I think we've all had more than our share of Winter blahs this season. I'm sending a bunch of healing vibes to help that arm feel better fast.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  14. Oh no we hope your mom feels better soon.

  15. Winter just doesn't want to give up. Hope the arm heals quickly
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  16. Oh no, hope she feels better soon!

    Ruby (and Angel Pip)

  17. That's awful, glad you didn't break anything! Funny how it takes this to see Lee's sweet side. :)

  18. Ooooh, I'm so sorry about the arm. I know all about typing with one hand (due to shoulder surgery). It ain't easy. I'm glad that Lee came to check on you!

  19. Brownie points for Lee

  20. That could have been a bad disaster. Glad it will be OK (in a few days). We are just now getting out to Blogville after our vacation.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. I am sending magic bubbles to your moms arm and hand- to swarm around and make it all better

  22. Oh no, sorry to hear that. Hope your arm feels better soon


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