
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Training Thursday - Success!

I am just so proud of my girl, I am bursting at the seams with joy. Hailey acted like a "normal" dog, during our Hanukkah dinner Sunday, even though she didn't know about half the people. She greater everyone enthusiastically, but then she settled. Those who have seen her at these types of things, couldn't believe it!

Waiting for the guests to come
I think she was successful for the following reasons:

-Saturday was a big stressful day for her as she had to go to the vet for her Bordetella (having guests over would be less stressful)
-Sunday I gave her puzzle time before the guests came
-Each guest had her sit and go down and gave her a cookie before they left the front hall
-There were no children at the party
-People weren't moving in and out and all around (we hung in the kitchen, the living room and the dining room)

I think this combo, especially with the Man's idea to have each guest give her a treat helped.

We will definitely do a similar thing next time we have people over.



  1. Well the cookie giving thing is so thoughtful i may use this technique :D

    Welcome to my blog

  2. That was exactly the right thing to do.....that is the best way to encourage her to interact with guests...well done!

  3. Well done Lee. Way to go. Onwards and upwards. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. The Man gets an A+ fur that fangtastic idea. It is BRILLIANT.
    We are TOTALLY PROUD of you Hailey. WELL DONE Girrrrrl. Peeps really are OK. Now you can believe it.

  5. Great job Hailey!! the guests giving treats was a pawsome idea!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  6. Great job!! We can understand why you're so proud!!!! Well done Hailey :D
    Love Milo :)

  7. That idea of having your guests give her a command and then a treat is pure genius!

  8. Bravo Hailey! I know your pawrents are proud of you but so am I !!! WOO HOO!!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  9. Well done! Sounds like you may have solved the problem. Now if you can just keep kids from running if that's going to happen.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  10. Thats awesome, we need our Public Defender to be a little bit calm, cause she is gonna get some yelling cases!

    The Mad Scots

  11. Good job Lee and good job to Dad for coming up with the idea.

    Aroo to you,

  12. Keep up the positive reinforcement and then you won't be able to pry Hailey away from strangers! :)

  13. Way to go Hailey! Keep up the good work.

    Millie & Walter

  14. Well done Hailey, WoooHoooooooo.. I had to go to the vets, Alfie poked my eye out. Santa WON'T be coming to him this year Bawahwhahhah xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  15. I am so pleased, well done Hailey!!

  16. Yay Hailey!! Believe me, I know what a huge milestone that party way. I'm happy for you!

  17. Dear Lee,

    Pawesome job, well done my friend! People bringing treats helps. My person arms guests with chicken for me sometimes, so I try to be Good and not too grouchy. But some people are just scary, you know? Especially kids!



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