
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Meet the Blogger

Last week on I saw this blog hop, Meet the Blogger. I thought this was a neat idea. So I have grabbed the badge, put a picture of me and here are my answers at least 5 of the list of questions.

  • What’s your favorite non-animal related book?
    • I have a couple: Timothy Findley's The Wars and Hugo's Les Miserables.
  • What’s your favorite non-animal related movie?
    • Charlie and the Chocolate Factor (with Johnny Depp)
  • Who’s your favorite actor?
    • Probably Mark Walberg right now - although Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and really only Wolverine is my favourite. 
  • What’s one thing you have to do every day?
    • Check my email
  • What makes you feel fabulous?
    • Finishing  my to do list.
  • What do you wish you were more skilled at?
    • Spelling
  • What’s your favorite holiday?
    • Hanukkah (even though I am not Jewish)
  • Favorite meal?
    • It varies as my hubby is such an amazing cook. I love his Mexican Chicken Parmigiana, his brown sugar and apple pork, and he makes these home fries to die for.
  • What one word would people who know you use to describe you?
    • Intense
  • If your pets could talk, what one word would THEY use to describe you?
    • Well trained
  • How is your pet most like you?
    • Lee and I both are intense and have anxiety.
  • What’s one thing you could do to be more kind to yourself?
    • Cut myself some slack. I set very high expectations of myself and may push myself too hard at times. 

Me (in the blue) and my sister on her wedding day in the spring


  1. Lucky we didn't do one of those for our peeps as well trained is good, ours would be stoopid. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. What a fabulous post! We love the picture as we usually don't get to meet the Mama behind the keyboards.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  3. Well trained...yes I guess my guys could say that about me too! Nice to meet you.

  4. Great post, and it's very nice to meet you :) I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too, and Johnny Depp in general! Can't wait to read more of your blog x

  5. We agree - what a wonderful photo and nice to meet Lily says we don't often get to see the typists for us doggies :) :)

  6. There is nothing better than a well trained dog lover! Very nice to meet you

  7. Awesome post - really enjoyed learning more about you. Glad you joined the hop!

    Lovely photo of you and your sister!

  8. EGGS A LANT post. Interesting answers. LOVE the pic of the wedding Day...

  9. It's always fun to learn more about the people behind the blogs. Finishing my to do list Is always wonderful!

  10. I know all about being too hard on oneself, I'm so bad about that!

  11. I wish i was harder on my self!!!!
    I can't spell either!!!
    I can't see and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wish I could!!!
    Love your post!!!

  12. Nice to meet you! I wish I was a better speller too. Autocorrect and spellcheck ruined my life.

  13. Relax lifes to short take time to pee on something.

    Aroo to you,

  14. A man who cooks....wonderful!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  15. Nice to "meet" you! We didn't know about the blog hop so we missed it. Love Dolly

  16. Hey! There you are! I love Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, too. ROWR!

  17. I'm loving all these meet the bloggers posts. You have to post the Mexican Chicken Parmigiana recipe if there is one. That sounds very interesting and I want to try it.

  18. Wow, you actually FINISH your to-do list? That makes you amazing in my eyes right there. Ha, ha. No matter how many or how few things I have on my to do list for the day, I never finish all of them. I think it is some kind of mental or inner rebellion thing. I can imagine (because that is all I can do) it would feel wonderful to check everything off the list though :)

  19. That's a beautiful picture of you and your sister! Enjoyed learning about you!

  20. What a great photo! So nice to meet you - thanks for joining us!!

  21. "Well trained." LOL - I think all our pets would probably testify to that one.

    So glad you joined the hop and allowed us to get to know you better. I was curious to see if one of your favorite books was going to be the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. (There is a character in it named Zaphod Beeblebrox and I was wondering if that's where your Zaphod got his name?)

    He's gorgeous, btw. Both your dogs are.

  22. you think they are angels hey! Read to many stories about them,sure hope they can sing to take care of the angel part!

    The Mad Scots

  23. Hi! Nice to "meet" you! Lovely photo. Hee - well-trained! Love it. I've enjoyed reading these posts so much! Wish I had time to read ALL of them! Thanks for stopping by Pooch Smooches!

  24. It's so nice to finally meet you! You are so pretty!
    it's funny what we can learn about each other isn't it? You have always seemed laid back and relaxed to me. Intense is not something I would have guessed. :)

    I love finishing my to-do lists and I love Hugh Jackman, especially as Wolverine.

  25. Nice to meet you. Love the name Zaphod. I'm guessing it indicates you're a fan of the Hitchhikers Guide series?

  26. What a fun post. I love getting to know my blogging friends better. That picture of you and your sister is a treasure.

  27. Nice to get to know you better!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. Thanks so much for joining the blog hop, it's nice to put a face to the name!

    I've learned that so many bloggers share similar traits with each other. I for instance put great expectations on myself too! Maybe we should try to cut ourselves a break in the coming year? :-)


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