
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pet Expo - Ottawa 2013 Review - by Lady

Last weekend was Ottawa's Pet Expo. I was very excited to go as I had never been to a Pet Expo. The Man was not interested so my sister, aka Aunt C, came with me. I made the decision not to take my dogs. Lee would have been too excited/anxious, and I didn't want to subject Phod to all the car time (besides if I had him, I wouldn't be able to go for lunch and shopping with Aunt C after). This was a choice I was thrilled to make because it was so crazy busy!

These are my thoughts:

The good:
-It was reasonably priced to get in. I got 2 tickets for $12.
-It was great to learn about so many great products I didn't know about.
-I remembered to grab bags to put all my loot in.
-Most of the exhibitors were very knowledgable and friendly.
-I loved all the fundraising for the Ottawa Human Society. Many of the exhibitors gave their samples for a donation to the Human Society.
-It was great to see so many fantastic rescues being features and raising funds.
-I am not going to need to buy treats for months:)
-I have lots of samples, some of products I have been interested in, but haven't want to just "buy" in case they didn't like them.
-Lots of Canadian products were featured. I do like to support Canadian companies.
-I got to see/touch/feel some products I had seen on other people's blogs/online. I was able to buy several of those products without having to pay shipping!
-There was a lot of cat stuff too (Aunt C has 2 cats)
-I didn't see one misbehaving dog.
-It was great to see the doggy rest area and several water stations.

Things I didn't love:
Lupul and Panda checking out the loot!
-There was a wait to get in. I thought the door seemed slow.
-It was really hot inside.
-Some aisles had soooooo many people, and dogs, strollers etc, you could barely move or see things. It was a little busy and overwhelming. I am sure I stepped on more than one paw! This was a very big drawback.
-Since going I want a third dog . . . Man says NO!

Things I would suggest for attending next year:
-Look to see if there was a coat check/leave coat in car.
-Save loonies and twoonies beforehand to use to donate to get the samples.
-Maybe take some time to look at the speakers/shows etc.
-Make measurements of the dogs necks etc if there are products I am interested in.

The coolest thing:
I saw on twitter that , the parent of  was going to be there. We discussed meeting up.  She had mentioned she was with her brother's dog, a blonde lab mix, pink collar. I am at a booth and a dog who would meet that description was there (but I had seen similar dogs as well), and I heard a woman say "Loki" and I knew it was them, so I introduced myself as my Twitter handle, @HaileysLady. That was really nice to meet someone from the blog-iverse/social media. 

Overall, I would give the expo a 3/4 paws and look forward to next year!

I heard from several others who went in the pm, and they did not enjoy it at all. I am glad we went early!

Over the next few weeks or months, I will share my thoughts with some of the products I bought/got. 


PS: Pippa, yes we observe 2 minutes of silence on Remembrance Day! 


  1. How fun! I love going go expos. Especially when free stuff is involved. We have summer and winter Woofstock here in Toronto and it's the biggest dog expo in all of North America. They cabcelled the winter one this year, but promised summer 2014 will be the biggest one yet. I think its for the best for me. I just counted Beamer's treats 10 minutes ago. 18 bags and counting.

  2. Happy 11-12-13 day.... OMD OMD We LOVE going to the Pet Expo in both Columbus and in PittsBURGER... they are ALWAYS crowded... esp. later... butt SO MUCH FUN and TONS of FREEBIES... as you quickly found out about. YOU got a LOTTA LOOT!!! WE take our No Walkin Wagon... to haul all the stuffs... and US when it gets crowded.

  3. Grand! I've been to a couple of cat expos here.....BIG extravaganzas where you were herded around like cattle because there were SO many people BUT I had a blast. Lots of wonderful people to talk to, products to sample, demonstrations, lots of fun stuff to take home.....YAY on pet expos.


  4. Yikes, you bought all that stuff BOL..what fun.We don't have any of those here. Would love to go to see all the different things :) xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. That sounded great and you know what to do for next year to make it more enjoyable. Can't wait to read all about the loot. We wouldn't go to one of those either as we would find it overwhelming.
    Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Can't wait for your reviews! It's great to get to see some things in person befote you order -- there's so much stuff out there!

  7. I go to less shows (women's show, pets show, etc.) these days because of the crowds :( I was at the women's show a couple weeks ago and some aisles were at a standstill because no one could move.

  8. Mom loves pet expos. I volunteer at them for the French Bulldog Rescue Network. Agree, usually packed aisles

  9. Excellent review. I 100% agree with all the things you did not like. I know admittance cannot be restricted but if everyone is allowed maybe a larger venue next time.
    I bet you are glad you left Hailey and Phod home.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  10. That sure sounds like a wonderful time! We've never been to a pet expo before. We can't wait to hear all about the products you picked up.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. I've never been, good to get your opinion. Couldn't have made it this year anyway since I was a trial both Saturday and Sunday.

  12. wesa never has been to a pet expo but it sure sounds like fun..thats for sharing the good and bad it gives our momma something to thinks about.
    stella rose

  13. hey, didn't take the tow best things with you, bad move,guys boycott her for a few days. Did you need a dump truck to get all that loot home. We have never been to such and event, they seem to hold them over on the east coast out out on the left, quess the central is just not that important!

    Glad you had a good time!

    The Mad Scots

  14. Mommy would like to go to one of those someday. I want all the free goodies you get.

    Loveys Sasha

  15. That sounds so cool! I'd love to go to one, but there aren't any around here without going WAY down south. Nola would probably do okay in a place like that, although she'd have to be carried since people don't watch out for the little ones!
    Nola's Mom

  16. Mom would love to go to a pet expo, but she has not heard of one near here. Looks like you got a lot of great stuff
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  17. Looks like you picked up a thing or two. Can't wait to hear the poop and scoop on the loot. Hope you got that shopping time in with Aunt C.

    Aroo to you,

  18. How cool! We would love to go to a pet expo. Mom would take me and Stanley for sure!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. As long as you got enuff stuffs for the doggies….. I would forgive you for going without them ;-)

    Sounds busy - I know my mum would probably not go to something like that - she dislikes crowds. And she's lazy!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  20. WOOFIES! How fun was it to bump into one another!! Laura decdied not to take me either, because A. not enough room for all 81lbs of my doberness, and B. too many other dog bums to sniff. She did come home with quite a big bag of treats! It was like halloween and christmas all in one. I sniffed her A LOT. She was so excited to meet you in pawson! Small World!


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